Chapter Four

"Who is Sage or The Sage or whatever he said?" Bella asked.

"No one you need to worry yourself about," Callidora replied.

"Really? Then why are you on the run Princess if he isn't that much of a big deal? You can imagine what he would do to her, your bro..."

"Enough! What do you want?"

"You know what we want, what we need. You can't really the inevitable no more. Stalling would just make this worse than it already is, you need to pick a side." 

The vampires haven't said a word since they walked through the front door. They just stood staring at Callidora as she and the elder spoke. "What if I say no?" She asked

"As I said, you don't exactly have much of a choice here. We can help you build the army you want and the best part is... We've got a base, somewhere vampires or rogue altereds wouldn't dare step foot in."