
Chapter 2

North was lying on his bed while looking at the ceiling. 'that's weird'

He was thinking about the girl he met a while ago. 'I wonder who she is'. But North said to himself that he should never be meddling with others' life, besides that girl is only a stranger to him. Why would he care? So North just closed his eyes and went to sleep.


North woke up with the buzzing sound of his phone's alarm for his last job today which is to clean the Racini's Hotel. So he went to shower, dress up, ate meals,and go to work.

When he arrived at the hotel he can tell that's no one's working today. And he knows it's his boss did. The Count would never want to see employees get scared seeing dead bodies around the hotel. 'Good thing boss had a truck here'

Knight was so sure North will be needing a truck since it's a pile of dead bodies, he can't do it with a car alone.

After North was done cleaning he went to the truck and drove it to the place where he burns all the corpses. He calls that place 'SWAMP'. There's no perfect reason why he called it like that because he just felt like it. While driving the Count's Butler called him.

"Yes, Lord Cloud?"

"Hey, kiddo My Lord said after you're done with your work there you come to the house and get your things and your pay. Also, you'll be taking a vacation within 6 months starting now, well after you're done with the last mission"


Then he drove as fast as he can. And when he reached the place he started to pile up the dead bodies to make it ready for burning.

Then suddenly.

"Hey, why are you burning those dead people?"

He turned his head backward and looked at the girl without any emotions.

He saw a girl in teens, wearing a uniform with the headset on. You can say she's a student.

"They're corpses, and how did you know this place?"

"Yeah whatever.."

The girl ignored him and walked towards the burning corpses.

"Pitiful dead people" she looked at them like she does pity those corpses.

"Why do you pity them when they're already dead?" North asked in confusion

"Is this your job?" Ignoring North's question once again

"Yes," North answered innocently.

" I can see you're pretty oblivious but you doing a very.....very nice job. I guess haha"

North can see that the girl hesitates to say that his job is nice. It seemed like the girl would say something else. But the question is, is there something wrong with what he does?

"Well, since it's your job.....can you...."

"Can you burn me?"

North was shocked about what the girl said. He thought, 'she's not a corpse why would I burn her?'

" I see,... I should go now"

Before anything else. The girl is nowhere to be found.

'I didn't have the chance to ask her name.'

'who is she? Am I seeing a ghost?'

North just shrugged and continued what he's doing. He didn't bother thinking about that girl anymore.

Or should we say he is?

'Why am I seeing weird things? Yesterday I saw a girl on the road and now? Just what is happening with you North? Are you having a third eye now? Maybe she's one of those people the Count killed and one of those whom I burned? Maybe she needs justice for her death? But the Count only kills bad people right? He wouldn't kill a student like her.' he thought

Poor innocent North who is very oblivious in the reality that, that girl is a living human. North spent his life burning corpses and cleaning dead bodies and now he thought he was ghosted and even thought maybe that was his Karma or maybe with the Count.

"Nah, I shouldn't worry about those. I didn't kill them it's the count" assuring himself

After that, he left the place and went to the Count's house.


"Oh hey, North!" Cloud greeted him with a smile


"So here, these are your things I already packed it here. And everything you need is already there. It only means everything is perfect no more no less"


"I suppose you'll be thanking me?"

"Ah yeah thanks"

" Ok then have a great vacation North, and by the way..where do you plan to go?"

"I don't know?"

" Well better plan, you have plenty of time to relax!"

"Yeah well thanks maybe I should go now"

"Ok, take care always kid"

Then North went outside the house not knowing where he would spend his vacation.