
Chapter 9

*Bzzzz Bzzzz*



"Hello, sir everything is ready"

"Ok, I will be on my way there"

Yes, it's already 1 week and I am trying my best to do what's best for the people whom I'm gonna help. And about the girl, I haven't seen her for a while. It's just I got busy, that I rarely think about her. But now that its almost done. I'm gonna find her again.

And these past few days I've been pondering a lot of things. I mean I realized something. I shouldn't do this just because of this and that but because I should help because it's needed to. I know it's not that a big of a reason but I'm beginning to wonder. And yeah it's a good thing.

*DSWD Office*

"So what are we gonna do? I mean where are we gonna build the house? The design is already decided"

"Well like this sir North, instead of building a new one we found out that there is an abandoned place near Cavite and that place was called La Casa De Rosa. Actually its a very perfect spot for those people since there are lots of them. Also just a small cleaning and rearranging of the place for sure it'll be beautiful and there is also a playground there. Good for the kids. Here's the picture of the place"

They showed me a picture and then there's this big old mansion and a pool in front of it. A playground beside. Well, not that bad there's a big space, good for everyone.

"Maybe we can go there sir and check the inside of that mansion. You might not like the design, we can change it"


*La Casa De Rosa*

Well, this house is actually cool. But yeah I didn't like the interior design. It's too old and there are only a few rooms.

"How many people do we have again?"

"We have 300 people, sir. There are 15 families and there are solo people. Kids with no parents and so on sir."

"Aright, so let's make different rooms from families, kids, and teens. Also from senior citizen"

"What kind of design sir?"

"Dormitory design"

"Ok, sir noted. We'll call an interior designer right away"

"Ok, I'm gonna look around for a while then let's go to those people"

I roamed around and something caught my attention. A rose garden, 'wow this place is abandoned, but there are plants here. Much more nice its roses'

Maybe that's why its called La Casa De Rosa because of its a garden of roses. Well, its a maze of roses, there's so many. This garden is very huge. This is so cool.

"Sir lets go, it's late"

"Ah yeah yeah I'm coming"


"Ahhhhh... I think I'm gonna die right now..."

I have been looking for a lot of apartment but the problem is my money is not enough! I can't even afford it even the cheapest one. Well, it's still expensive for me. I really need a place to stay now. What am I gonna do???!!. It's hard to find rents online its all EXPENSIVE. And my wallet is....better not tell.

"Oh, what happened to you? why are you sitting outside the shop, are you ok? you can rest inside if you want"

"Ah no its ok miss manager I can handle"

"You sure?"

"Yes ma'am"

"Well, I'm gonna head inside ok? I'm gonna go and face the costumers. If you're tired just come inside ok?"

Hays, life is so unfair; maybe the next day I will be sleeping on the roads. Oh gosh please don't let it happen. What if I'll try to live with that kid's house? Yeah.Nah bad idea haha haha

what about North's offer? North?....hmmmmm...eeeeeeeeehhhhhhhaven't seen him in ages tho...

Man, its kinda embarrassing tho eh, ah whatever even if he's my savior I wouldn't even dare to ask help from him never!

So let's get back to work...


"Bye take care always"

" bye miss manager"

Always been a long day, and I'm gonna go to my other part-time job. Pizza Shop, I'm a delivery girl to be exact. And I need to hurry so I won't be late again.



"Uyyy Amy Good thing you're not late today kid?"

"Come on Sir, it just sounded like I'm always late ahahaha"

"You've been doing a lot of part-time jobs. Do you think your body can keep up?"

"You know I only have myself so don't you worry I'm healthy you know"

"Healthy your face, you're too pale. Maybe you should wear lilting sometimes. At least you won't look like a walking dead there"

"Wow, thanks for the concerned boss but I'm totally healthy."

"Healthy your face, alright deliver this, the address is attached in that box already?"

"Ok sir, gotta go bye"

Racoma Street. AIS Building 16Th floor, room 1107

Wow, this is insane, What kind of address is this. The building, wow the customer might be big time.


Wow.....just wow...this place is only for rich people....and oh my gosh, the cars in the parking lot are sure EXPENSIVE. I feel like I'm getting smaller. And good gracious at least I wore something decent, people might look at me and say 'where did this beggar ca.

'Well imma put my ass in there'

Char and there's a counter in front wow.

'Ok I know I'm ignorant right now, sorry just poor'

"Hi, ma'am may I help you?"

"Uhm....room 1107 miss?"

"What do you need maam?"

"Delivery maam"

"Ah ok wait for a while maam"

Wow, this is so cool! You would literally say HOPE ALL. Gosh, even the chandelier is gold. Wow wow wow overload.

"Ah maam you can just go directly to the 16th floor and then look for the room number there. He said he's waiting"

"Ahh ok thanks maam"

So I have to go to the elevator first, Well it's kinda hassling if go with the stairs I might be crazy? Yeah, I'm ignorant but I know all those things and how it works ok!


Eh there this guy, I thought I could solo the elevator. Why let's be courteous and smile this guy, I wouldn't want to be rude.

"Which floor are you miss? I'll press it for you"

"Ah..eh 16 thanks"


Oh, come on don't smile at me bruh, I might ask your number right here right now. Well, just the name would be fine.


"Ok I'm gonna head first now miss bye"

"Eh-heh yeah sure bye"

I thought there will be an awkward moment to share but yeah I just thought.


Ok...room 1107...room 1107.....where is it, man?? It's so confusing...

Ah here...

What am I gonna do, knock? Oh well yeah, knock of course! Damn your so dumb Eunsol, there's no doorbell for Pete's Sake.

*tok tok tok*

"Hello, this is your delivery!"


"Hello ....your delivery is already here!"



Damn, I've been shouting this whole time and I felt like people would look at me and think I'm a crazy person shouting in the hallway. Why isn't someone answering anyways? The last one and I'm gonna be out of this shithole. This might be a prank just like before. I almost killed someone at that time.


Oops...this is crazy.....


Take his hair is still wet, he was just done showering.

"Ah...eh..uhm..well uhh....de-delivery pizza"

"Sorry wasn't able to hear from you. I was in the bathroom"

"Ah eh..yeah sure um here..and the uh ....1,500 pesos all"


"Ah yeah here...."

Gosh, could he just wear something at least? It's distracting my freakin innocent eyes. This is totally crazy, or I'm crazy. Well, whatever.

"Ok thanks, now I'm gonna go by ehehehe"

Ok, why did he hold my wrist? Watdahek.

"Ah yeah? You don't have any change. What's wrong?"

"Uh...well actually...uhmmm...do you have free time today?"


"No, I have work today..."

"Can you leave early?"


"Because I want you to accompany me somewhere.."

"Eh????....well you know... I'm totally busy right now super busy promise as in"

"I'm gonna ask your boss. Wait"

"Wait what?"

Ok, now he's going inside leaving me here. And take note, also leaving the door open.

'If I was a different person, probably I could have stolen from him and killed him. He should be thankful it's me'

Well, that leaves me with no choice. I'm just gonna go inside even if he didn't invite me. Sorry I have a thick face you know. I don't have any shyness right now.

"Yes sir. Don't worry she'll be in good hands...yes sir....ok bye thanks...."

What is this guy planning anyways?

"Ok your boss agreed"

Ok.....what did just happen?.....and we even met in this situation.

"So your working in that Pizza Shop?"

"Ah yeah?"

"You have lots of works huh?"

"Ah...something like that..."


"Because I live on my own? Do I have to provide something for myself You know"

"But...your job on that ice cream shop..isnt it enough?"

"As... I have to find housing for myself...money for tuition you know..."

"Ahhh about that....."

"Where do you want me to accompany you?"

"I guess its a place where you would really like"

Eh? and where is this place?