
Chapter 11

"Yes sir..uhm. Yes sir I have some emergency happening right now sir"

"Sorry boss but I need to quit "

"Uhmm..sir I need to quit now, I can't come tomorrow. I have some emergency going on."

And yes I called all my employer because I'm going to quit. And most of them are asking why. Well you guys know I'm also having a hard time to quit. I can't just reason that I found a millionaire and now I quit. Well, no way that would happen!

"Yes, sir thanks for your understanding."

"Ok, everything is settled now?"

"Ah yeah, sort of..."

So yeah, after we finished our dinner a while ago, I decided to call all of my bosses except for the ice cream shop. And there is North in front of me staring at me and take note were In his room right now. Only both of us here. Well obviously.

"What? Why are you staring at me like that?"

"So your name is Amy?"

Ah...oh, I remember he doesn't know my real name and there's only one person who knows it. A kid I met at the park.

I'm kinda afraid to tell North who I am. He might be working with powerful people, I'm afraid they might recognize me. That Lady SM, her name is really scary big time.



"Whos this Lady SM?"

"Well she's the wife of my boss Count Knight"

Oh, shoot big time a count.

"How about this Lady SM..the saleslady told me earlier she owns that mall."

"Ah yeah, I forgot to tell. Lady SM owns that mall. It was actually her mother's but she passed away and then it became hers all the wealth. And she's also an idrytis."

Man Idrytis...much more dangerous a count and idrytis...

"You ok? You look pale.."

"Ah well, it's nothing really...hehe, uhh so everything's settled already. What do you want to do?"

"Well. I want to plan some things for those people wanna help?"


Man...til now I'm still surrounded by dangerous people. I thought I will be at peace now since I already have my savior. But I guess I was wrong. I'm truly unfortunate. I know what a Count and Idrytis truly are. I've learned it when I was a kid.


"Yes boss I'm on my way"

The count called me, he said it's very urgent so I drove outside directly and I left Amy at the house. I hope she will make friends with the neighbors there.

*Counts House*

"Why did you call me here?"

"You damned bastard I'm so proud of you!"

Then he hugged me. He felt so warm, it feels like a father and son hug.

"Uh ok?"

"SM told me you made a house for the needy already and all of them moved there now?"

"Well a few days ago?"

"That is indeed very well great! I should visit there sometimes..."

"Yeah you should I guess, peoples are very kind."

"And I will be one of the sponsors!"

"Ahh yeah, that would be a good help... I guess"

"You did a great job kid. I'm so proud..so how's your vacation?"

"Well yeah I'm busy...you know but I guess I need a break...so yeah"

"But I have one request tho..."

"Ok... I thought it was my vacation"

"I didn't ruin it am I?"

"Nope, not at all boss.."

"Go to this place and burn this corpses its something urgent sorry hehe"

Damn count...


Damn... Maybe I should leave the house? It's still not too late, right? But what if. No no no, I'm living wit a very dangerous person right now. What f he'll know who I am? I'm living with a very dangerous person right now! Well, I'm not sure about that. If he's dangerous or not. I mean face is deceiving.

We were talking earlier about his plans and it seems like there's nothing wrong with him. And I haven't found anything suspicious about him. He looked so innocent man it's crazy! And then he said the Count called him. What if what if....he was called because he tracked me?? Ah..no no no....thats not possible no one knows me, no one knows I'm alive. No one knows my real name. Beside that kid, whom I said my name to. For sure she wouldn't be talking about my name to someone else.

Man, what am I gonna do???

"Hey, I'm home..."

"Ah, your home now. How's your uh?"

I went near him...and he smells like smoke...

"Where were you??"

"Work hehe, sorry I need to take a bath..ok"


Then he went to the bathroom.

I bought him some clothes and put them outside the CR's door.

" North, your shirt and pajama are outside. You can just pick it up when you're done ok? I'll just cook something."

"OK, thanks" he shouted from the inside


Damn...damn damn...

What kind of work does he have? he smells like smoke, it's creeping me out I shouldn't let my guard down...

I can't stand to let them know who I am...

Why is this happening to me?



"Ah yeah?"

"I thought something is going on. It burning.."

Eh? Eh? Ehhhh???? Oh my gosh, the food is burning! Why didn't I notice it? Gosh! I'm so dumb.

"Ah eh...sorry hehe... I didn't notice."

"You ok?"

"Ahh yeah yeah I'm fine I'm good"

"Maybe we should just order?"

"No, I'll just cook anything else"

So I just cooked again and threw the burned food.

Mom, wherever you are. I hope you seeing my situation right now. What have I gotten into? Why is this happening to me? Why did you leave me, mom?