
Chapter 13

Third Person POV

"Hello, did you find the girl yet?"

"We're still searching for her, your highness"

"You must find her at all cost, it doesn't matter to me if she's alive or not. But I guess it's much better to see her dead body. In that way, no one will be in my way again"

"No worries, your highness. Everything is under control. We got it, and we have someone capable of doing the job without any failures."

"Frida and Nash, from the Triad. I think I will entrust you both this job"

"Yes, Your Highness you can count on us"

"They are the best spies in the Triad"

"Now, go to the Philippines and try to find her again. I know this time, we won't gonna miss her again. She can run but she can't hide. She might be lurking around there. Why let her have the fun while she still can."


(A few weeks later)

It's such a good thing I let Amy live here. She's been so lively more often. But there's something awkward about her. Or maybe it's just me. Well, I don't know. She went to her work today so what I did is visit LCDR then, went to a grocery store. And right now, I'm heading back at the house. She might come home any time now, and good thing she taught me how to cook. So I was getting the hang of it.

"I'm home"

"Oh, Amy you're here. How's work?"

"Well, it's fine kinda tired and all"

"Are you ok?"


So I was working here at the ice cream shop. North wants to drive me here but I insisted. I think he was kinda busy today so I won't bother his time. Today was my mom's birthday and I didn't have the chance to visit her. Maybe I should go there when I'm done.

"Amy kindly clean the tables and after that, you can go home now"



"안녕 엄마, 잘 지내? 거기에서 잘하고 있습니까? 나는 실제로 여기에서 괜찮 기 때문에 당신은 나에 대해 걱정할 필요가 없습니다. "

(Hi Mom, How are you? Are you doing fine there? I'm fine here so you don't have to worry about me.)

"내 친구 North에 대해 어떻게 생각해?"

(What do you think about my friend North?)

"그는 정말 좋은 사람입니다. 그는 심지어 내가 누군지 모른 채 그의 집에 살게 해 주셨습니다. 나는 그에게 거짓말을하는 것이 안타까웠다 하지만 그가 뭔가를 숨기고 있다고 생각하세요?"

(He's such a nice person. He even let me live in his house not knowing who I am. I felt bad about lying to him. But do you think he's hiding something too?)

"엄마 나는 그가 그룹 Triad와 관련이 있다고 생각합니다. 그가 우리 일족을 죽인 사람들 중 하나라고 생각하세요? 그가 내가 누군지 알아 내면 어떻게해야합니까?"

(Mom I think he is related to the group Triad. Do you think he's one of those people who killed our clan? What should I do if he finds out who I am?)

"그는 Count와 Idrytis와 같은 사람들을 알고 있습니다. 나는 당신이 그들에 익숙하다는 것을 압니다. 당신이 내 입장이라면 어떻게할지 궁금합니다. 북쪽에서 탈출해서 숨어? 아니면 그들이 내가 누군지 알아낼 때까지 North에 머물러 있습니까?"

(He knows some people like Count and an Idrytis. I know you are familiar with them. If you were in my position, I wonder what you'll do. Escape from North and go to hiding? Or stay with North until they find out who I am?)

"엄마, 너무보고 싶었어요. 당신은 나를 왜 떠났나요? 엄마, 지금 당신이 필요 해요. 이제 어떻게해야합니까? 오? 더 이상 엄마 못 참 겠어"

(Mom, I missed you so bad. Why did you leave me? Mom, I need you right now. What should I do now? Oh? I can't take this any more Mom.)

"이거 너무 재미있어. 나는 당신이 나에게 다시 잔소리를 할 것이라는 것을 압니다. 나는 우는 것이 나에게 전혀 도움이되지 않는다는 것을 안다. 나는 엄마를 알아, 나는 이미 그것을 알고있다. 엄마 걱정하지 마세요. 나는 일을 알아 내고이 일을 피할 것이다. 나는 더 이상 숨는 것에 지쳤습니다. 나는 그들과 맞서고 무슨 일이 있어도 그들 모두와 싸울 것입니다. 나는 당신을 위해 강하고 우리 일족을 위해 계속 살 것입니다."

(This is so funny. I know you will nag at me again. I know crying won't do me any good at all. I know Mom, I already know that. Don't worry Mom. I will figure things out then escape this thing. I'm tired of hiding anymore. I will face them and I will fight all of them no matter what happens. I'll be strong for you and I will keep on living for the sake of our clan.)

"나는 ��들이 더 이상 나를 괴롭히지 않을 것입니다. 엄마, 당신과 우리 일족 전체를 복수하겠습니다. 나는 할머니를 만나 그녀가 아주 잘못한 것을 알게 할 것입니다."

(I will not let them bother me anymore. Mom, I will avenge you and our whole clan. I will face grandma, and let her see that she's done very wrong)

"엄마,이게 제가 당신 앞에서 우는 마지막 시간이 될거에요, 약속 해요. 이제부터는 강해지겠습니다. 나는 될 것이다. 이제 갈 게요 엄마, 다시 올게요."

(Mom, this will be the last time of me crying in front of you, I promise that. I'll be strong from now on. I will be. I'll get going now mom, I'll be back for you.)

I decided to backfire. I already said it. Now I should plan but what am I gonna do?

Ok, I'm dumb. This is the part that Mom hates of me. Doing things without even thinking. Man, I guess I never learn. But I like this part. Now, I'm going home. How am I gonna face North in this puffy face? He might notice that I cried meeeeen. Nah whatever it's not obvious tho.

"Hey, are you ok?"

"ah yeah, why?"

Please please please I hope he didn't notice my puffy eyes. Come on! He's scaring me.

"Do you have sore eyes? It's red all over plus your face is kinda red. Are you sick?"

"Huh? No, Nah I'm really fine like really ha-ha-ha"

"Drink medicine after eating alright?"

"Yeah, thanks for worrying"

After we were done eating I did washing the dishes cause he said he has some business to do. Well, these days he gave all of his attentions to the people he gave housing. He keeps on visiting there, I wish I could come too but I'm so busy with work so I couldn't visit.


" oh hey, what's up?"

"You want a hand?'

" ah yeah thanks"

He keeps humming and it seems like he's a little bit restless. What's with him?

"Ey? What's wrong?"

"ah well, I just can't, I can't bear to see you like that."

"what? Is there something wrong with me?"

"because your eyes are swollen and then your face is red"

Eh? Oh man, I forgot to wash my face.

"Oh, don't be bothered by it. I'm totally fine. So no worries now North ok?"

"Did you cry?"

oh shoot

"Oh, come on! I didn't cry ahaha. It's just some dust went into my eyes you know"


oh, I'm doomed. Well, I'm a liar what else should I do?

"Ok fine! Did I cry I did ok? Happy?"

"Are you fine now?"

Actually no, there's still a pain in me. Maybe I could lean a shoulder this time? Right? There's nothing wrong with it right?

I didn't even have the chance to finish washing the dishes cause I already burst out in tears.

"Hey North, 이제 내가 뭘해야한다고 생각���니? 나는 누군가가 없습니다. 도움을 요청할 사람이 없습니다. 어떻게해야합니까?"

(Hey North, What do you think I should do now? I don't have someone. I have no one to ask for help. What should I do?)


She leans on my shoulder and kept on crying. I don't understand a thing she says. Is it possible that she knows other languages other than English and Tagalog? Now come to think of it. Her face, her face says it all. She's not a Filipino, but I am not entirely familiar with this language she's spoken right now. I only know Spanish and Portuguese, other than that French.

after a few minutes of crying, she fell asleep so I put her in the bed and I finished washing the dishes. Then went back to the room.

I stared at her face. If I look this close, she is a beautiful lady. Small and pointy nose, pale skin, big eyes, well-defined lips. She's a definition of beauty, although her face is all puffy she's still beautiful. Now, I won't let her cry again.

'What is it that pained, you Amy? What is the pain that you've been hiding?"

I must protect her at all costs.


"Sophia, Jey, Klea, and Mel. I will count on you four in this mission. I don't think I could rely on those too. In any case, they might fail."

"Yes, your highness, if those two fail what are we gonna do with them?"

"kill them, if you think they are useless"

"yes your highness"

"now, go to the Philippines and hunt my dear granddaughter. I can't wait to see her corpse"

"Yes your majesty"

Now, where are you Eunsol? Don't you miss granny?