Chapter 2

"Don't even think about it, Harris, Jason Derulo is way cooler than Chris Brown. I mean, look at his abs, his tattoo, and his dance moves!" Jenny yelled at Harris.

"Oh shut up Jenny, Chris Brown has much better cool dances than him and tattoos? Chris' is the absolute gem." said Harris before taking a bite from his burger.

"You have a really bad taste Harris, haven't you heard Jason's songs 'Tip Toe', 'Get Ugly' or even 'Secret Love Song' that he sang with Little Mix? And even 'If It Ain't Love'? Or how about 'S-"

"Chris Brown's songs? I can list them all and might take a whole day for that, 'Loyal', 'Freaky Friday', 'No Guidance', and also-"

"Guys, please can we eat in peace? I'm starting to have a headache because of you two." I said while rubbing my temples and continuing eating my lasagna, "And By the way, Little Mix is truly the best from the singers you were arguing about." I added.

Jenny nodded her head in agreement "It's true Little Mix are great, but not more than Jason."

Harris shook his head in disagreement and said "I don't know how you like them, their songs are so girly, but at least not worse than Jason." he smiles slyly and looks away.

Jenny rolled her eyes at him and turned to me, "Kate, I have seen you walking out of the Principal's office earlier, what happened?" She asked with a concerned look.

After I went to the principal's office, I told her everything about what happened except the insult I spoke out. Instead, I told her that I used inappropriate words, which I think she understood in a wrong way — yay me — so she gave me detention, for freaking 3 days, with a long lecture about how to use proper language and promising her not to do it again.

What a waste of my time.

"I talked backed to Mrs. Walters saying it'd be better being in the class listening to her rusty groggy old voice than going to the detention room," I replied. After a few seconds of silence, both of them burst into laughter.

"Seriously? Groggy? What were you thinking of, Kate?" Harris said as he sobered up from his laugh, shook his head, and continued to eat.

"I can't even imagine how her face reddened, I'm sure you made her look decent in the very least since she's so pale that her eyeballs are redder than her cheeks," she said, exactly voicing what I thought earlier.

After we ate in silence for a while, Jenny looked around and spotted someone, making that confused face and opening her mouth, "Does anyone know that hottie guy over there?" She asked. I turned around to see who the 'hottie' guy she is talking about is, and to my utter surprise, my jaw dropped at what my eyes are witnessing.

"Carter?" I called mostly to myself. What the heck? He just got here for what? A couple of hours? And there he is, sitting amidst a group of girls who are flirting with him and the whole football team too.

"You know him?" Jenny asked me sounding really thrilled.

"Yes, but not that I know him, we just bumped into each other and he offended me, but I bit him back," I said and when I turned to see her, she was looking at him with a flirtatious look.

Oh no, not her too.

"Kate, you bumped into this smoking hottie and you offended him back? That's rude of you." She said giving me a look then turning her gaze back at him.

"Wait, what!? He was the one who bumped into me! That asshole of a guy that you repeatedly call 'hottie' " I air quoted at the word, "is one hell of an idiot!" I tell her, I did spit the facts.

"Chill girl, but sorry, he is just a.... hottie," she said with a flirty look on her face.

Harris looked at her expression and rolled his eyes at her, turning his gaze to Carter and glaring at him.

"Get a grip Jenny, you'll never even have the slightest chance with him, he's a loser," he said while finishing off the food on his plate and drinking his coke.

"Exactly Harris, he's the stupidest asshole ever, he didn't eve-"

I was interrupted by the high pitched and too loud gasp that Jenny made. It was loud enough to catch some students' attention, gave us weird looks, but they looked away.

"Look at the other guy next to him... oh my God! " She whispered loudly shaking Harris' arm. I turned around for the second time, and that's when I saw the other guy she was talking about. He gracefully walked up to Carter, did the bro handshake, then the girls who couldn't get their hands to themselves saw the guy and scooted some place for him so he could sit next to them. He has jet black hair, falling beautifully on his captivating ocean blue eyes that could make you drown inside them, and damn his body.... he looks like a quarterback football player.

Why do hot boys wear tight shirts? To show off their hard chest, or abs, or those pair of biceps that you couldn't help yourself but reach for it?

"He's one of my mates in biology, he seems like a nice guy," Harris says with a sharp tone.

"He is such a very handsome, muscular and definitely a-" Jenny started,

"Hottie" we finished it off for her.

"Ugh, am I cursed or something? Why can't I have a hottie in at least one of my classes!" Jenny said exasperatedly.

Harris sighed and turned to her, "Haven't you still noticed that there is a hottie in like three of your classes and that he also sits either behind you or in front of you, even beside you!" Harris said, and Jenny's eyes lit up. "Oh my God! Really? Who? And how couldn't I notice him? Wait, is one of the guys there are in my classes? Don't you think that I might have a chance? You know..."

Before he answers, the bell rang signaling the end of our too long lunchtime and the start of our next class.

Harris stood up, and slung his backpack on his right shoulder, he casually replied, "Me." he smirked at us and walked away, stunning both of us by who he meant as the hottie, himself.

"What did he just say Kate?" asked Jenny, zipping her backpack and shrugging it on her shoulders.

"I think he finally got a person or maybe a girl who complimented him today," I said while grabbing my backpack and walking out of the cafeteria.

It's not that Harris is not good looking, indeed, he is a gorgeous handsome boy. He has green eyes, light brown hair, and a fit but not that much of a muscular body. Even, there are times when he caught some girl's attention, and since Jenny and I are his best friends, we try to be Cupid's assistance and figure out the right girl for him. But the problem is that he is such a hopeless romantic.

And Jenny, we can say she can make anyone fall for her, and she has the super ability to swoon the boys too. She has long, blackish brown hair, chocolate milk skin, dark brown eyes, and has very sexy curves, but she hides them by wearing oversized hoodies, button up shirts, and jeans or leggings. But her problem is she keeps eyeing people who could break her heart easily, or we can easily say, the 'bad boys'. For the very instance, she keeps ranting non-stop about one of the baddest boys in our school, Luke Stone. She had a crush on him ever since forever, but he? Well, we can say he has a new girl every week, and he got expelled just on our freshmen year for trading some illegal stuff and using it at school. I always pray that she actually has forgotten about him since she does not speak much about him lately, or generally after his expulsion.

"What's your next class?" Jenny brings me back from my thoughts. I smirked for myself, coughed and me wanting to annoy her, "What did you say?" I asked her.

"I said what's yo—"

"Literature!" I interrupted what she was about to say. Her face looked a little annoyed, not as I expected it to be, but at least she's annoyed.

"Why did you ask if you heard me, dumbass?" she questions with a sigh escaping her lips.

I shrugged at her, "Anyway let's go... wait, which class are you heading to now?" I asked her.

"Hmm?" She asked looking like she was in thought

"Which class are yo—"

"CHEMISTRY!" She shouted in my ear so loud, so loud that downtown Brazil could hear this screech.

"What the fucking hell Jenny?" I yelled back, but she just shrugged. Of course, karma had to pay back at me too.


"As you can see in this experiment, the nucleus of the yeast divides into two to reproduce. Therefore the reproduction system of yeasts are called bu- "

The school bell rang, interrupting our Biology teacher, Mr. Edward's lesson.

"Well, that's it for today. Don't forget to do your home works and have a good afternoon." with that, he dismissed us from the class.

As I was heading towards my locker, I kept thinking of the guy I had bumped into earlier today, why in the world would that event occur? Like, how couldn't he notice me literally running into him? Well, I could not because I was already fearing if our teacher would ha-

Before I even finish and organize my thoughts in peace, I bumped - again - into someone, spilling the bottle of water the person held all over him. Thank the Lord for that.

What is up with me bumping today?

"Oh shit, I am really sorry! Oh my days, are you okay? I'm so sorry! I was just walking to my locker to get my books out to g-"

"Woah there princess, it's just water, stop sweating about it. Besides, I was just heading to my car."

I froze when that sweet and deep melody of his voice floated into my ears. I looked up, and I was met with those ocean blue eyes that were so mesmerizing, and that would totally put my dull grey eyes to shame.

"Oh... uh.. well, yeah! Okay, sure... um..." I was stuttering and melting in front of him, and my beetroot colored blush feeling it coming to my cheeks isn't helping too.

He chuckled deeply "Anyway," he said while totally forgetting his shirt was soaked with water "I'm Troy and you're...?" he asked me waiting for an answer.... from me?

Okay, right now I'm in front of a guy who is absolutely striking handsome, his chest is wet, and let's see... hm... his abs too. And this same Hottie guy- as Jenny refers it- here is asking my name, while I'm here staring at his mind blowing gorgeous deep blue eyes, looking like a total idiot.

"I'm... K-Kate" well, what the fuck was that, Kate? Bravo, you really did ruin this.

He chuckled lightly and replied, "Okay K-Kate, nice to meet ya, Hope we see each other again " and he left but not before a wink and a boyish smile that left me standing here like a stupid girl who is blushing so hard that I felt that my face turn into an actual tomato.

Did I really hear what he said to me correctly? Did he actually think we could meet? Like 'meet meet' or 'meet meet'?