Chapter 9

"Well, well love birds!" Cole shouted from the door. I automatically pushed myself from Carter and looked at Cole. He had that smirk on his face, making me flustered and blush. Oh God, what was I about to do?"I never expected you two to be here." Xavier popped his head from behind Cole and both of them looked at each other, then laughed.I stood up and brushed away the dried grass from me, "Shut up," I muttered and pushed them away, walking past them out of the door.

"Bro, fast much?" I hear Cole say, and I shook my head. Nothing is or will be happening between us, or any of us, for that matter. What was wrong with me, my emotions led me to kiss Carter? I, again, owe Cole for interrupting what was going to happen.

I am so blind when it comes to my emotions, they are in full control of what I do, which always leads me from bad choices and decisions to real-life bad situations.

I walked to the exit of the pet store and saw Ben cleaning a... gun. I mentally gulped and tried not to look scared as I speedily walk out of the pet store as calm as I can be.

"Hey, kid," he called me. I swiftly turned around and gave him the sweetest smile that I can muster, "Yes?" I answered. He pointed to the seat that was next to the cashier desk by the... gun and I quickly sat down, not wanting any trouble from this gun guy.

"So, with my boy, huh?" he said and I unintentionally gasped.

"You are Carter's father??" I ask in shock and surprise. Then just as it rolled off my tongue, I thought of what a stupid question it is.

"I do wish if he was, but no, he isn't my son. So, what are your intentions with him?" he asked me. I scrunched my eyebrows together in confusion.

"What do you mean? I never tried to do anything with him. What made you think like that?" I asked him back. He laughed a throaty laugh.

"I just assumed, kiddo. You two looked like a couple when I saw you walking in. And the way you clung on to him earlier seemed pretty much it," I looked down at my fiddled fingers on my lap, embarrassed, "Anyway," he paused and bent down under the desk. When he leaned back up, he is holding two bags of gummy bears.

"I love these things, here you go," He passed me one of the packets and I took it from him, muttering a "Thank you."

"If you ever tried to win that boy's heart, you have got a very long way to go and march through," he said.

"I don't want to-"

"But he seems cool and not that much tense around you," he said, putting a gummy bear in his mouth, his long beard wiggling as he chews on it. I shook my head at him, he got it all wrong.

"You don't understand, I-

"He is a very cautious and not so fun boy, but I bet you, he has a pure and a strong heart," he said, this time, I scoffed. He hastily looked at me and narrowed his eyes. Oh, no.

"I mean, the first time we met, it wasn't a pleasant meeting and no offense, but he isn't based on my liking at all, because of reasons I pre-" I hear a loud bang, which cut me off and startled me.

I looked behind my back and see Carter, looking angrily at our way, directly at me. His eyes locked to mine, but he looked away and stormed out of the pet store. Xavier and Cole were sulking at their footsteps as they reached and looked at me, "I think it's time to go, Kate." Xavier said. I nodded my head and stood up, placing the untouched packet of gummy bears in my backpack pocket.

"It was nice meeting you." I said to Ben and he inclined his head, "Anytime, kid."

Without looking back, I headed out of the mall to the car where it was parked earlier. I don't want to know why Carter was looking at me like that because I am sure he would make a fuss about it. I was having a casual talk with Ben, or wasn't I supposed to talk to him at all? This boy has twisted and turned rules to understand or to even know them. Why the hell am I supposed to be the one dealing with him? Oh right, because I made a stupid decision to following him and sticking myself in a business I have no say or do in.

When I reached the car, I gasped and fastly walked to Carter, who was leaning on the car, doing the thing that I despise the most, the thing that I wish they would never have been ever created.

He is holding a cigarette between his fingers, smoking.

"Carter, are you insane??" I said and stopped right in front of him. He didn't seem to mind me taking over his personal space. He looked at me and frowned, "Get lost," he said taking a drag from his cigarette and puffing it out on my face.

"Carter!" I backed away from him, waving my hand in front of my face. What the heck is wrong with him?

"That is much better," he said and kept taking drags.

"You know, smoking is not good for your health, and being young makes it worse," I said. Now, what the heck is wrong with 'me'? At this age, nearly everyone does everything they can to get pleasure, never thinking of the impact that would cause on their life. So, this shouldn't have surprised me, but it made me, worry?

He masked a fake panicking look, "Oh shit, I never knew that! You could have told me before!" he said mockingly. He is annoying me and getting on my nerves, but I smiled and laughed. I should seem like an insane girl to him, laughing for no absolute reason.

"What? Anything funny?" he asked. I nodded my head then I shook it, stopping my bitter laugh.

"Do you have a laughing disorder? Laughing but you cannot control it and stuff?" he asks, what a stupid question to ask.

"Now unlock the car," I said and tried to open the back door, it's locked.

"No." he simply says. I sighed, why is he being difficult now?

"Okay, fine. So we will be waiting until Cole and Xavier come?" I asked. He just shrugged both of his shoulders.

I sighed again and sat on the parking lot floor. Carter glanced at me once then looked up at the sky, continuing taking drags.

"You pissed me off when you said that," he said.

"When I said what?" I asked him and he shrugged.

"Why would you ask a question if you won't explain it properly?" I asked, he shrugged.

"What is it with you and shrugging?!" I asked frustrated and he, of course, shrugged again.

We waited and waited, the boys still did not come. Carter is on his fourth stick of cigarette, making me more than ever annoyed and a little bit concerned by the time.

"Ugh!" I exasperatedly yelled and stood from the cold floor, my butt feels numb from all the time I sat on it. I can't do this, I will walk home now.

"Where are you going?" I hear Carter ask but I ignored it, I kept walking away from him and to the sidewalk. My legs feel numb too, again, because of the long-ass time I sat on the cold stone parking lot floor.

A hand grabbed my arm and harshly spun me around, Carter was looking down at me, a pissed-off expression planted on his face.

"Now what?" I asked him and he pulled me slightly closer to him. He opened his mouth to say something, but then he closed it and let go of me.

"Nothing, let us go now," he said. I rolled my eyes and huffed, "What took them so long? They show up after I decide to go home by myself?" I said, making him frown.

"You were going to walk home?" he asked and I threw my hands in the air, "Well, duh, was there a better option than that??"

"And I am not sorry to tell you this, but we were waiting for no one." He said simply. My mouth is hanging open and my eyes couldn't get any wider. So he made me sit there, made me waste my time and breathe in the toxic air... for nothing?

I hit on his chest, repeatedly. "You. Are. A dumbass!" I yelled within every hit, but he held both of my wrists, stopped my useless action, and pulled me closer to him.

"Were you being honest earlier?" he asked out of nowhere, and I tilted my head to my side in confusion.

"When?" I asked him back. His eyes softened, then not a second later, it changed and cast his guard up, he frowned once again.

"Nothing. Come on," he said and both of us walked back to his car.

What about me being honest or not? And about when was he talking about? So people just ask and talks nonsense when taking drugs and alcohol?

As soon as we entered the car and Carter started to drive, I realized what I was thinking, "Wait!" I yelled, he immediately slammed on the brakes. He quickly looked at me and yelled back frantically, "What?!"

"Aren't you high or intoxicated to drive?" I asked. He stared at me for a moment, then he gave me a half-smile.

"So, you made me stop to ask me this?" he asked and I said "Yes! Bro, I don't want to die this young," I said and he sharply looked ahead.

"Do not call me that again," he commanded and I smirked, "Why, bro? Oh, sorry, bro, I mean, bro, what can I do, bro?" I continued taunting him. He looked at me, clearly annoyed.

"You are the girl creation of Cole," he said.

"I am serious Carter, are you high?" I asked him and he shrugged his shoulder.

"I am kinda numb to shit, but I am good to drive. And driving makes me feel again, so do not worry, love bunny," he replies, and I snapped my head to him, to look into his eyes.

"What?" he asked looking at me, smiled then refocused back on the road. His mood changes are faster than flashing lightning.

"So, where are we going?" I asked for at least the tenth time today.

"Somewhere," he said.

"By somewhere, is it far?" I asked, nervous.

"Yes, but not much. Why?" he asked. Oh no, I gulped and looked down at my sweaty hands.

"Can you open all the windows, please?" I asked, starting to feel hot and queasy. I hate long drives and even the mention of it. It makes me feel sick and nauseous.

"Sure, are you okay?" he asked opening all four windows with one click. Benefits of having an automatic car. I started to fan my face, my body is starting to feel uneasy and uncomfortable.

"I am good, just a little nauseous," I said and he steps on the pedal, making the car move faster.

"No, no, don't drive fast, it makes it worse. Just Drive steadily." I breathed. I bent down and took my earphones out from my backpack.

"Carter, give me my phone," I said and he quickly gave it to me.

"I will just try to distract myself, an advantage for both me and you." I say "What do you mean?" he asked as I tuck both of the earbuds inside my ears.

I connected the earphones to my phone and tapped on the music app icon, scrolling through my playlist. I tapped the song 'On My Way' by Alan Walker and closed my eyes, breathing in and out. The air fanning on my face and the music blaring in my ears, made me feel good and gain a bit of a settling feeling, slightly forgetting I am a belonging of this universe.

After a couple of songs and multiple gags, the car finally stopped. I opened my eyes and looked around through the front window. I gasped, what in the world...

"Home sweet home, love bunny."

The huge mansion, let me dare say, the house, was stories high, almost made up of glasses, and guarded by a high wall making me look only at the rooftop of the wonder. If my reaction to the entrance is like this, then I can't wait until I see what its inside look like. Carter stopped the car in front of the huge black gate of the whole mansion.

Someone came up to us, holding an inspecting mirror and wearing a uniform, it's a guard, a very elegant-looking guard.

"Mr. Harrington," the guard greeted and walked around the car checking underneath it.

"Why is he inspecting your car?" I asked. He rubbed his hands on his face and sighed lightly, "I may have sneaked in weed and blasted a party last year, which led to... destructions" he explained and I widen my eyes.

"I bet your mother was so mad," I said and he tensed.

"Do not fucking mention her," he says, looking away. I held my hands up in surrender, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. But, why?" I asked.

"Shut up, will you? You are being such a nosey bitch." he snapped. I looked at him shocked, He did not just say that, he did not just call me a fucking name.

"I may be a little too curious, but not a 'bitch'," I said. He reached out to touch my hand, but I flinched back quickly and looked at him angrily, "What the fuck would you want from me now?" I snapped. He looks down at my lips and just stared. No, he can't be serious. I snapped my fingers in front of his face to revert his focus to me.

"I did not mean it, okay? I just do not want to talk about her, that is all," he said and looked down.

"You don't have to be rude to tell me to stay quiet, okay? Dang, you just fire me up every fucking time."

"I am not used to this, that is why, and I am not being rude, this is just me being me," he said and I mentally scoff, yeah, sure you are.

The gates of the Mansion opened and we rolled in. Trees and bushes lined up the driveway, flowers of different kinds were scattered onto the bushes and trees. When we reached the front yard of the house, there were three cars lined up at the corner, and another two at the front of the mansion. The front yard looked like a public park, the size, the number of plants and very decorative, delicate looking, and long white benches. Only, that this place looked untouched at all, like a park of a museum. The trees are large and tall that, they almost enclose upon the sky, coloring everything green, except the flowers and the seats, making it look more symmetrical and haste.

He parked the car next to a red one, probably a Ferrari (don't judge me, I have zero knowledge about cars). I sat for a while, looking at the beauty of everything that I could watch forever. "This place is heaven," I said, looking and taking in everything in awe. My house is not even the quarter size of this front yard, let alone the house.

"Do not get too excited," he says, I ignore this one.

I got out of the car and looked around, the fresh and pure air filling my lungs. I would never get tired of coming here, I could sit under one of the huge trees and read my books, or maybe talk and have fun with Harris and Jenny. Harris loves this kind of place, especially in summer times.

"You are so lucky to have all this, Carter," I said, he is still coming out of the car, then unlocking it with a beep of his remote.

"Actually, I am the unluckiest," he says and I gape at him. He must be kidding me right now.

"Are you serious? You know, many of the population in this whole world doesn't have a 'decent home'", I air quoted, "Let alone a big ass castle!" I exclaimed.

"I am not talking about this bullshit," he says and walks to the marble stairs that are located at the middle of this Mansion, which leads to a doubled, big size brown wooden door.

"Come on then, we better make this home ready, our people will be coming soon," he says and with a click, he spread both of the doors open.

"What people?" I asked, hoping and climbing up the stairs.

"Curious as always, huh?" his voice echoes through the house. When I stepped in, I couldn't believe my eyes. This is absolutely, gorgeously, and elegantly spectacular.

The walls are painted in white, spirals of golden painting shining on them and the roof too. Chandeliers, in every size, are hanging in their size order, sparkling through the whole house. The pieces of furniture are all black, with diamonds all over them. They look like they are new, have never been sat on, and are carefully placed. I doubt that they are all fake. The vases and art crafts were placed on top of golden and white striped columns, each placed after every painting hanged on the wall. Everything here looks costly as hell, everything here has a high standard in everything.

Surrounded by all of this, I don't feel like I belong here, this is too much. I can't imagine living here, having a maid bring me my breakfast every morning, wearing expensive clothes that will probably

be uncomfortable and itchy, having my own assigned driver driving me, and just being posh... it is all nonsense.

"Well, another Carter's hoe in the house, may I help you?" a voice sounded from behind me, and I turned around to see a Burnette girl, with the height slightly taller than me, high cheekbones, her face looks like a cake, of all the makeup she had on. She is wearing high waist jeans, with a green crop top. Her arms are crossed, her deep blue eyes watching me lazily.

"Hi," I said, shifting from one heel to the other, feeling awkward.

I could have said something else, something much better than a stupid 'hi', I am so lame.

"Were you not supposed to entertain him by now? He is not the patient type. Anyway," she says, looking at her deep sparkling green-painted fingernails "What is your name?" she asks.

I was about to answer but Carter, thank goodness, came in and saved me from further awkwardness, "Hey, Al, mind if you leave her the fuck alone." Carter says harshly to her.

"I was just trying to help her, she seemed, lost," she says. She flicked her hair and walked to me, her heels clicking on the black tiles. She stopped, shoulder to shoulder to me, and whispered, "It is a use and throw rule to him, be more wise and heedful." with that, she went to the door that Carter and I just walked in and out she is.

"What did she say?" he asks me. I shook my head, "Nice to meet you. That's what she said." I lied. He looks at me with his eyebrows raised, not believing me a bit, but he rolled off with my white lie.

Why did she say that to me? I wasn't going to do anything with him, why do people always assume I would do anything with him? What he said is still ringing in my head like an alarming bell, always there to remind me when or if I try to get closer to him.

'We are going to kill her, in no time.'

"That is my sister, Allison, if you are wondering," he said.

"I don't believe you," I scoffed, comparing them in my head.

"How come you say that?" he asked me, amusement glinting in his eyes.

"Your eyes are light hazel, but hers is blue. And you just don't look the same, with all the facial features and stuff." I explained to him.

"If my dad wasn't a man ho-" I cut him off.

"Carter! Stop saying that about your father! I didn't even meet him yet, but you already planted a bad image about him in my head." I said and he shrugged.

"I do not mi-"

"CARTER!!" someone screamed his name from the top of the stairs. I quickly looked up and saw a little girl, her dark blonde hair dangling from where she looked down, is grinning at him, when her gaze turned to me, she gasped,

"New guest!!" she shouts and came running down the stairs, which took her time to come. When she finally reached the bottom stairs, she ran and stopped right in front of me.

"HI! My name is Abigail, I am Carter's sister! Nice to meet you!" she rushed in her greeting, turned to Carter, and went to him.

"Carter, Carter!" she jumped up and down, holding his hand, "What happened, Abi?" he asked her.

"I finally did it! I can snap my fingers! See," she held her hand up and snapped a couple of times.

"That is my girl! Good job!" he exclaimed and picked her up and threw her in the air and caught her, making her giggle and laugh. Ah, sister and brother goals... I wish I had one.

"Now," he said putting her down, "Did you do all of your homework?" he asked. She flushed and looked down as if she is embarrassed.

"No, I was teaching myself how to snap. Are you mad at me?" she asks him, her puppy eyes and pouting plump lips melting my heart and killing me.

"Of course not, Abi. It is alright, but go and them finish up because tomorrow we will go out where ever you wish to go!" he said, making her jump up and down from excitement.

"Can we go to the festival that I told you about?" she asks and he nodded, "Sure we can."

"I will finish it today! Thank you, Carter! I love you!" she yelled while running back up the stairs.

"What a sweet sister you have, she is so cute," I said to Carter and looked at him, smiling.

"Abigail is always like this energetic, and loves meeting new people."

"I wonder how she is your sister," I said then laughed.

"Done comparing me with my sisters? Let us go to my room," he said ambling to the stairs, but I stayed where I am.

Sensing my hesitation he spoke up, "I would not try anything on you, just come!" his voice echoes through the house.

"I would not try anything on you," I mimicked him "As if I am a laboratory mouse," I mumbled as I walked up the stairs.

When I reached the first floor, I see the number of rooms. Thinking I have to, I randomly chose a door and went to open it. As I was about to head to the right cornered room, a ball fell in front of me and sprinted back up. I yelped and looked around to who was trying to hit me. There was no one.

"I targeted to hit your head but you move fast, do you not?" I lifted my gaze upward and saw Carter smirking down at me. He is at least three floors above me.

"I'm coming for you, asshole!" I yelled and started to run up the stairs.

Finally, when I reached the floor he is on, I am panting and my face feels hot. He is looking at me, resting both of his arms on the rack of the staircase, smirking at me.

"Oh my, you do not look in a really good shape," he said, faking a concerned look.

"Shut up," I flipped him off and bent down, trying to catch my breath. After my breathing become stable, I walked to Carter, stopping a couple of feet away from him. He is still looking at me with that stupid smirk on his face but still looks attractive on him.

"Well, shall we?"