Chapter 21

Kate's P.O.V.

"I am sorry I didn't tell you earlier, but..." I trailed off, nervous to tell him, because I know how he will be reacting, "Your father is here."

He looked at me like I uttered the most offensive thing ever been told to him, then he narrowed his eyes, "And you just got in here without telling me thinking I would be fine with it?" he asked lowly.

"I-I didn't know you both were..."

"You have no say about my relationship with my dad even if it fucking sucks," he said, looking angrily at me.

"Carter, I swear I didn't-"

"Love bunny, fine. Anyway, it is not like I did not tell you about us," he muttered sighing, "What did he say?"

"I don't know. He asked Jenny and me where you were and he was silent the whole time. It's been almost ten hours since he came here." I replied.

"That fucking ass, can you tell him to leave? I always feel nauseous when he is around," he says. Yes, it's none of my business, but I can't help getting annoyed.

"Can you just stop? He is your father and has been here waiting for you to wake up, which clearly shows that he cares. Why are you being rude for no reason?" I exclaimed angrily. Even if he has the biggest rivalry with his father and tells me to shut up about it, he still shows him the love with his actions, and that's what matters.

He looks like he is in deep thought looking at the floor, then closed his eyes, "You make me do shit I do not like, but, okay." he said. I smiled and put my hands on the edge of the bed, leaning closer to him. I am all so nervous thinking what his reaction would be, but before I back away. I did it. I leaned and kissed his cheek. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at me, then smiled, "What was that for?"

"You agreed to talk to your dad, it is a good start for both of you." I said, "I will call him now. I will be outside for a while to give you two space."

"No, stay here, we can just call him from here," he said, "Hey da-"

"Oh my god shush!" I whispered and quickly got out of the room, last thing heard from there was him laughing whole-heartedly.

"Mr. Harrington?" I called him. He is sitting with his arms crossed, his legs tucked below the seat and his head dipped down, he looks like he is asleep, oh dear.

"Mr. Harrington?" I repeated, and this time, he snapped his head to me. He indeed looked like he was asleep, dark bags visible under his eyes and his brown with silver hair ruffled at the front.

"Yes? Is he awake?" he asked standing up and stretching, very formally.

"He wants to speak to you." I said, which made him look at me with surprise, "Did he say that?" he asked. I nodded my head and gave him my best polite smile.

"Can I have your name, Miss? You look like an important person to Carter." he suddenly questions.

"Uh sure, I'm Kate, Kate Anderson." I said, sweating if I should stick my hand out to shake him or not. He looks like a businessman so shaking hands is manual, right? Or should I just...

"Kate, good." was all he said before he slipped into Carter's room. What the fuck? He didn't even thank me, or maybe it was me wanting and waiting for him to react. I hope that their talk would end fast, I know it seems a bit mean, but I already miss— hold yourself kate! What were you about to say?

It's been a long hour, and I need to go home. I wish I had my own car. I could just go home and relax, and also get away from... I am stupid, I should be given the world's stupidest award. I promised myself more than one time to stay away from him and cut every connection, what am I doing right now?

Well, I am here flirting with him and kissing him, while he is on the hospital bed, instead of being in my room studying. And there is one other reason that makes it way harder to push away those boys from my life; Xavier and Jenny are being lovey dovey with each other, and when Jenny gets this type of a golden chance, she would never let it go. She has always dreamt to be in a serious relationship and having a loyal, caring, loving, and handsome boyfriend, not going to lie, but Xavier looks like it. It may seem rude when I say this, but I need to bring up a new plan to make Jenny hate on Xavier, because if their strings are tied up and become a thing, then all I have to say is bye-bye to my work and plans of distancing myself from Carter.

I waved my hand at a little boy as I passed him from the exit, his mother frowned and pulled him away from me, but he smiled and waved back, what an over-protective mother, or maybe I look unusual for her because of my posture and how sleep deprivation makes me look.

I sat on the wooden bench situated in front of a small pond, reminding me of Carter and where he took me, I can't seem to take him off my mind these days.

When I told Jenny that I don't know how I feel about Carter, I was half lying. Because there is no way in hell denying that a part of me loves to spend time with him and feel assured and comfortable when he is around. The way he smiles or smirks occurs those butterflies to erupt from my stomach and makes me feel giddy. I admit, he has those charms he uses and they perfectly work on me, but I try my best to not reveal those effects to him because no matter how twisted I feel, he's still a player. And I should beat him in the game he's playing.

One time he looks into me and wants to say something, then another time he closes himself and shuts me off, which scares me. I have never in my life been in a relationship, and the biggest thing I did close to it was hugging a boy, and that was a long time ago, excluding Harris and the boys. And another half of me likes him, but is remaining cautious. I sometimes see him hanging out with different girls, but there are no emotions between them at all, yet I feel that nasty green envy creeping up, so I have to tuck in my own emotions goodnight and act like I don't have feelings when I am with him since he will surely play with the strings of my heart like a puppet then throw me away to the side when he is bored.

Ugh. Here I am, thinking about him and what to do while he is up there having a great time with his father, or not.

If he didn't steal features from his father, I would've not believed that he truly is his father. The way he smiles — though it looks fake — is very easy to compare it with him, there is this way they lift their upper lip higher and bite the very tip of their tongue. They have the same ruffled brown hair, same physical structure, but there are bold differences too, the first that I noticed was their eyes; Carter has hazel eyes while his dad has light blue. And their accent too, the way Carter talks with no abbreviation used, ah yes, I always suspected something different when Carter and his sisters speak, it is because they use no abbreviations. But why though? It sounds so formal and looks like it's been taught strictly, nevertheless, they sound so good. There is something that makes all of them look similar to each other, but their dad looks a little more posh and different from them, maybe most of their features are from their mother...

Stop thinking about him and his family, Kate. Focus on your own self.

Shaking the thoughts off from my mind, I took out my phone from my pocket and dialed Harris' number, to know if he is still busy being a witness so that he would pick us up, but I quickly ended the call before he answers.

I'm going to regret this, but my heart is taking the lead now.

Carter was saying that he cares about me, and there is also something special about me, and it doesn't just sound real, but he showed it today. So, I should do the same, shouldn't I? Even if his father is right there, I will return his perfectly concealed scowl with a smile. I want him to know that I do too. I want to change his mindset about me, I want him to think that not all girls are chasing beauty, but the personality too. This sounds ridiculous, but the way my mind thinks about right at this moment seems the right thing to do.

I turned and practically ran back inside the hospital. With that same smile on my face, I walked again through the halls to Carter's room. I don't see his dad anywhere around the seating area, so he must be still inside, a bonus, I will be introducing myself more to him.

I took a breath in, let it out then knocked on the white wooden door. Okay, I am scared to just barge in smiling and look like a creep.

Mr. Harrington opened the door after seconds passing by and gave me a very wide welcoming smile, "Ah, hello again," he said, staring into my eyes, "I thought you left already, come in, I am glad you came back. He started to get moody." he whispers the last sentence. I nodded my head with a smile and entered the room. I walked in and saw Carter, frowning at the ceiling.

"Did I come at the wrong time?" I asked, my subconscious burning the plans that I wrote one by one, shit.

"Oh no, you can stay, please sit." he says gesturing for the sofa, "He was actually about to send me to bring you here, what a shame he wants you in that way too," he said sitting beside me and taking out his phone from his pocket

"You better be talking with her in a fucking polite way." Carter growls. I quickly looked at him and gave him pleading eyes, he huffed but agreed anyways by rolling his eyes at me.

"Hey baby, can you pass me the extra blanket? I feel cold." My mouth dropped when I hear Carter call me by a pet name. Why does he make everyone think that we are together? And let's be precise, his dad looks like he is forcefully being 'polite' to me, and if not clear, this means one thing; he absolutely dislikes me.

"So, found yourself, someone? Why didn't you tell me, Kate?"

"No, we are not—"

"Surprise," he said, suppressing his yawn and carefully stretching his arm with his eyes closed, "She is the shy type, that is why."

"I apologize for the false content Carter is telling you because they are not true," I loudly stated, looking from Carter to his dad.

"Love bunny..."



All of us started at the same time, me looking at Mr. Harrington, Mr. Harrington looking angrily at Carter, and Carter looking pissed at me.

"I am sorry." I quietly said, lowering my gaze.

"Don't be, I am sure he forced you to lie to everyone else as he did with that poor girl." he said.

"Can you please shut the fuck up?" Carter almost yelled, trying to get up, fortunately, his wound did not let him.

"Stop talking disrespectfully with me!" his father yelled too. Oh, no.

"You do not have any fucking right to scare away people from me!" Carter shouted banging on the table which there was food on it, luckily he didn't throw it away. I gasped and went to him, grabbing his arm, "Can you cool down? This is a hospital Carter, there are a lot of other—"

"First have manners and discipline then maybe you will understand what I am trying to do!" Mr. Harrington didn't stop shouting, which of course added fuel to Carter's anger.

"Oh please! Who are you to teach me how to interact with you? You do not even care for Abigail as much as I do! You only think of how you would like to please your wome-"


"Heya everyone!!" the door barged open revealing Cole holding flowers and Harris following behind. All three of us looked at them, Carter and Mr. Harrington breathing hard.

"Oh sorry, I didn't know shit was going down here," Cole said putting the different colored flowers on the table.

"Well," Mr. Harrington started, tugging at his suit, "I better leave now. See you someday, Kate." and passes by Cole and Harris swiftly.

"Thank the Lord you guys came," I said and plopped down the hard sofa.

"Why? Did they fight again?" Cole asked.

"Again? They fought before?"

"Why yes, didn't you notice his dad's bruises? Carter gave them to him," he said, making me laugh bitterly. If I try to make my voice louder than dad, I would surely get a smack that will send me back to the fifties, let alone hit on him, but, this is not me who we are talking about, so I shouldn't compare Carter to me since we are too different in many things.

"That is mad," I said, giving Carter a disappointed look, "What? Do not even think of starting it." he warns.

"Speaking of madness," Harris says, pulling his hand out of his pocket and holding a packet, "Kate, this is for you," he said and handed me the small plastic bag. I inspected it, then opened it to have a clearer view of what there is inside it,

"What is this paper?" I asked, afraid to pull it out and read what is written on it.

"Cole and I found this paper around the Ferris wheel, and since you were there too, we suspected something and thought someone put this message for you, so I say you should know first, then we would give it to the police, it sounds alerting." he explained.

"And how did you know this is for me? Carter was there too." I said, my hands shaking slightly and almost letting the packet slip from my fingers.

"This is the bad news here, I think people are spying on you too, your name is written there, but not your original one." Cole says, why are they making it worse with every word they speak? I already had enough when they gave me this paper and told me it is from an unknown person, sent to me.

I took out the paper and unfolded it, it has chicken scribbled writing on it, this person can't even write properly, but I read it anyway,

LoVe BuNnY,

LiVe YoUr LiFe, BeCaUsE wE wIlL bE eNdInG It VeRy SoOn....

YoUr BoYyY

"What does it say? You know I can't come to snatch it and see." Carter snaps.

"Carter, this shit is going way more serious than we thought." I said, fanning my face to feel the cool air on my face and giving it to him.

"Are they being fucking serious? What could they possibly want from her? They are acting so stupid," Carter said and crumbled the paper, throwing it away.

"Kate, can I talk to you for a moment? In private." Harris says. I looked at him, he is having that face that shows it is a serious matter that should be spoken so I nodded and followed him outside the room.

"Why did you want us to talk alone?" I ask as we sit on the waiting chairs, "I'm gonna get straight into this, you should stop hanging out with these people, Kate. Can't you see where they are putting you into?"

"Why are you saying this? They don't have anything to do with—"

"I know you have feelings for him, it is so obvious. So don't try and mask it with that excuse anymore," he said trying to look serious, but his smirk peaked.

I slapped his arm and crossed my arms, "No I don't, how can you even say that? I never talked to him that much and I don't even know a damn thing about him!" I defended myself quickly. If Harris knows this much, then anyone can easily tell me about it, which is so bad.

"See, I know you do, I didn't even mention anyone," he said smiling innocently. I froze and stared at him, realizing I was giving him more hints than he already suspected. Me and my motor tongue spilling the beans...

"I'm telling you this because I trust you, Harris, you're right, I do have somewhat weird feelings for Carter. And I know what you will say, I get it. But it's not me, I just... it's my heart I guess. I know it sounds cliché but this is it. I'm trying to get rid of it but it won't go away this easily, I think I am starting to... like him, Harris." I explain, finally admitting for someone and myself that I really am liking that handsome devilish boy.

"Let me be honest with you, having feelings for someone is totally fine, but your feelings are to someone who is strongly linked to stuff that will harm you, the very best instance is this letter. And I understand this could be hard for you, but please, I beg you to leave them, they are not worth risking your life."

"But..." I stopped myself when I spot Xavier coming towards us, "So, how is he? Is he awake?" he asks.

"Yes, a while ago, where are his sisters?" I tell him.

"Abigail slept and Allison is keeping an eye on her, so they won't be coming at the moment. Who is with him now?"

"Cole, we just got out. Go in and say hi then, I am sure you missed him." Harris said impatiently, impatient to be alone with me and continue our chat.

"Oh my God, guys! You all came here and left me waiting there? If it wasn't for that good show then, I would've sliced and... Xavier, you came." Jenny came stomping angrily, then changed to talking calmly and sweetly when she saw Xavier.

"Yeah I did, Jenny" he replied looking in a such way at her, okay?

"Did you come here after dropping them? Because your hairstyle looks different," she says out of nowhere.

"Really? I think it's the breeze, I didn't do anything with it. Does it look bad?"

"Oh, no, not at all. It looks so attractive ruffled, and I'm into guys wh—"

"Xavier, I am so thirsty, can you bring me a cup of water please? I spent the whole night literally fasting." I asked him, cutting their meaningless conversation. Jenny is really struck with the Cupid's arrow, and Xavier seems so into her. Good God help us out.

"Uh, sure, anyone wants anything?" he asked.

"You," Jenny whispers. I snapped my eyes to her and tilted my head to the side unbelievably, she did not say what I heard, what in the world is going on with these two after just a three days meeting?

"Nothing, please go," I said, and did as he had been told. When I am sure that he is out of the zone of hearing our conversation, I looked at Jenny, gaping at her.

"Are you insane? What the hell do you think you are doing? Are you even hearing what you are saying??"

"And seriously? Is this what flirting means? Talking about the most random thing? Hair?" Harris asks sarcastically.

"I can do whatever I like to do," Jenny says folding her arms, annoyed by our questions, as if we are the ones being stupid with what we say.

"And we can make our very best friend shut up before she embarrasses herself." I bite back, this will be the hardest conversation and argument we are going to have because as I said earlier, Jenny would never listen when there is this much of a chance with a boy.

"Why won't we tell Kate about her relationship with Carter? Why does it have to start with me?"

"Jen, that is another story,"

"No, it is not, Kate. We both like boys who are best friends just like us! So, what made you think yours is any different from mine unless you two are planning on destroying the only chance that I got?" Jenny spits angrily at us, which made me very annoyed, and concerned about her.

"First, you should not interfere my shit to yours because we aren't talking about me, and second, we are telling you the right thing here, why would we want to do anything bad to you?" I asked trying to hold her hand, but she moved away.

"Ugh, sorry, but my ears are deaf for these types of conversations about my love life, and if any of you have a problem, well, sorry to say this but, fuck off." Jenny said sternly then flicked her hair and headed inside Carter's room, leaving us with shocked looks plastered on our faces.

"I can't believe that she said that." Harris says.

"I think I can relate because I don't like it when you all say things about Carter and me, so I will just drop this."

"Yours and hers are so different, she thinks there is some sort of light in the end for both of them, which is a relationship. But you, do you want it to be like that too? As much as I know, you just admitted for yourself that you like him today."

"It's not a like-like, it is a I-don't-know-if-it-is-a-like-yet like, and I didn't even snap like her when I knew that I had feelings for Carter. We should find a way of convincing her to find someone better, or we should do something else." I said, my eyes still not leaving the door.

"Hm... I have a very great one." he says, at that, I looked at him questioningly, "And what is that Mr. Ayad?"

"Kate, get ready to make a test for that guy called Xavier," he says smirking. When I realized what he meant, I smiled and we looked at each other knowing what to do, yes, that is a very great idea, testing Xavier if he truly is capable of having a relationship with our bestie or not. And I am sure it will be a fun time too.

Cole came out of the door, looking from Harris to me weirdly, "Guys, done with your conversation?"