Chapter 31

The streets were dead silent when we reached our destination. Bars and shops that were visible to us were closed, their windows barred with metal shutters, but only one was left open with noises, bangs, and chatter being heard. Surely where Carter is.

"Here we are, girls. Are you certain you want to risk whatever is in there?" Ben asks us, turning on the roof lights, "Risk? You are telling me there is risk getting in there?" Jenny asks coolly and turns to face me.

"Yes," I replied instead, "I will enter. I need to get Carter out from there. That's the reason I'm here anyway, right?" I inquired, nervously chuckling, but no sense of humor was apparent.

"We, Kate. She forgets sometimes," Jenny clears her throat, "We, I am involved too."

"Yeah... let's get it started!" Ben says and climbs out opening his door widely. I followed suit then walked up to him and whispered, "Ben, who is this guy?"

"Don't panic, kid. He's just a friend of mine who wanted to tag along with us. Said he likes your buddy." Ben says shrugging his big shoulders. I looked back at him, he is desperately trying to start a conversation with Jenny.

Despite the situation we are in, this is ridiculously hilarious. He nervously stuffs his hands in his pair of pockets and opens his mouth, "Hey, sorry I wasn't speaking much earlier but don't think I'm insecure or anything, maybe a little bit but I'm so good by the way, you're Jenny right? I'm Lucas, you probably don't know me, I'm kind of—" the guy rants, unfortunately, Jenny cuts him off, "Can we talk later, Lucas? Nice to meet you, but we need to go." she tells him and quickly runs into the doors of the— I look up at the logo and it says 'Tallelli Boxing Place', a boxing place?

"Didn't you say that Carter is in a bar and drinking?" I ask as we all three walked into the doors that Jenny just entered in, "Xavier may have said that but this place is a mix of both, you drink, then fight."

"Well, isn't that harmful to two drunk people to fight?" I ask confused about the whole thing.

"According to me, no. It is fun to see them trying to keep up with the punch they try to blow on someone's face," he says laughing. This guy has serious issues, who would find it amusing to see two people who aren't stable fight and cause problems for themselves?

I'm not shocked, because people nowadays don't seem to care all that much about reality. They believe that the only way out is to drink and get into real-life trouble, claiming that it's all in their heads despite the suffering they inflict themselves. They will actually get into serious problems, but they will think and dream about it as a dream to release the pain in their chests and heads. I wish they realized that what is hurting them is their attempt to pretend reality while ignoring the truth that this is a life they must live.

But no, they gather into these kinds of places and just be whatever it has to take.

"Okay, where is Carter? I can't see a thing!" I yelled to Ben when we surfed into the noisy crowd roaring and screaming at each other. "Right there! Lucas, go guide her to Carter." Ben orders Lucas and he nods, "C'mon!" he says and swiftly passes through the sweaty bodies by his slim figure, but me, I was bumping from one to the other like a pool ball until we reach the bar stools. And that's where I spot them and him, Carter Harrington trashed as hell and doesn't look like he used to.

His eyes are bloodshot red and have sunk, his right cheek is swollen, his hair is unkempt and out of style, and his clothing is tattered; he just looked like the polar opposite of the Carter I knew, and that is too unsettling and worrying to behold. Why are his clothes ripped, and there are wounds and blood trails from the corner of his mouth?

Oh, the fight.

"Car—" I immediately bit my tongue and stopped when I saw Xavier and Cole sitting right on both sides of him. Shit, I was going to start another big fight by what I was about to say, and that was the very last thing I wanted to happen., "Scott!" I shouted instead.

He swung his head in my direction and set his lazy eyes on me, bringing them from my Nike runners to the curls of my brown hair, "Love bunny!! Glad you came! Hey, get the fuck off...." he growled on Xavier and pushed him off, "Come and sit with me, baby!!" he yells and cracks a smile.

This is horrible. What could have made him upset and pushed him to drink in order to be a happy drunk? I heard that joyful drunks are usually those who have been badly hurt while sober, and that their drunkenness hides their tragic character, or that the contrary is true...

"What do you think you are doing? Have you ever thought of yourself before this?" I ask as I quickly thank Xavier for giving up his seat for me to sit next to Carter, "Well, you should not have said what you have said, then I could not even have to leave you." he said taking a sip from his glass.

"Why do you keep hitting around the bush? Tell me what I said and give me my rest." I said sighing, this night would be the longest night of my life with just Carter talking and bringing up stuff I never even thought about.

"I am not, you said it and did not even hesitate to think about it for a fucking moment," he said placing his arm on the bar table and turning to see the fight occurring in the ring.

"Tell me, what is it?" I ask impatiently, I don't remember saying what may piss Carter off this much. But to my dismay, I felt guilt rising from my stomach and making me feel nauseous. I am the one who made him drink and get wasted? Because of what I said, he came here, fought with Troy— which will be the head topic for tomorrow's school gossip — and is talking nonsense... because of me?

"Hey Cole, wanna match?" he asked Cole who is sitting next to his left side, drawing circles with his index finger on the wooden bar table while chuckling and mumbling something.

"He won't listen to you, he is deep in his thoughts," I said looking at how weirdly he is acting, but at the same time, he looked too innocent and fragile.

"Fuck him, and who the fuck are you?" Carter says, looking at Lucas who stood behind me, "Kate, Ben is calling for him, we should go now." he informs me ignoring Carter's raging stare and question completely, "How? He doesn't even want to speak." I said sighing.

"Buddy, do not try and fuck with me, she is not yours to talk to her, got it?" Carter says pointing his finger at him, stumbling slightly at his words, "Shut up," I shushed him, "You don't even know who he is to speak to him in that manner."

"I'm Lucas, nice meeting you, shall we go now?" Lucas says and looks at his expensive-looking watch, "I need to be home at exactly twelve and now it's ten."

"Babe?" I finally said it after mustering all the courage I could have, "Please, let's leave." I said and hooked my arms around his one thick arm. He looked surprised, definitely shocked to hear me calling him a pet name, then he smirked and said, "Only if you get to call me again, but," he poked my nose and got closer to my face, "With what you just said." I hate him.

"You are being childish... baby, happy now?" I said faking a gag. He laughed then without seeing it coming, he quickly wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me to him. I can't help but melt in the warmth of his familiar scent, which is tinged with alcohol. He whispered, "I wish we could..."

"We could what?" I asked softly, but what he did was kiss me under my ear and lean back up removing his hands from me. I feel the blood rushing to my ears, mainly the place he kissed me felt hot to touch.

"Okay...? I think I will just let you two be as you are." Lucas said awkwardly, scratched the back of his head then quickly left and disappeared into the crowd.

"Fucking lastly, he left," Carter says sighing relieved.

"He is a friend of Ben, isn't he supposed to be yours too?" I ask.

"I am 'friends' with you, does that mean that I am friends with your friends?" he asked back.

"That really hurts to know," Jenny says situated between Xavier's legs.

I gasped, "Jenny?" I called looking utterly shocked at her, "What? I am trying to be who I want to be for just one night, can you order one drink for me please?" she asks Xavier, but he shakes his head, "It isn't a good place to be drinking, Jen. Maybe next weekend, I will be hosting a party at my house, wanna join?" he directs the question to all of us, "No." I answered but got drowned by the whoops and yells of Cole and Jenny. Carter stayed silent, and it killed me so much, "What do you want to do?" I ask him instead of telling him to do something. He looked like he is thinking about what he wanted to say, then looked into my eyes, "Kiss and cuddle with you." he answered. I can hear that slight mocking tone he tried to include but called it off at the last second, this damn asshole.

"You know, I risked it coming here, I climbed out of my window and sneaked out of my house without my parents' permission so I can take you out of here. But what the heck are you doing? Teasing me and trying to talk shit to make me feel bad about myself? Screw you." I spat then folded my arms, trying to choose between running away or making an unnecessary scene, "You thought you would be running away, expecting me to come and catch you?" he asks, then laughed at my face.

"No, why would I want you to follow me? I have way better things to do..." I trailed off as I searched the crowd for someone, and my gaze fell on him instantly in the corner seats. He is talking with someone standing near him, a clear frown etched on his face. I grinned.

"Jen, I gotta go. I'll be back quick." I tell her then stood up from the stool, and as soon as I did, Carter grabbed my wrist and stopped me from walking further, I smirked at myself.

Yeah, you really don't care, Carter.

"Where are you going with men all around the place?" he asks sternly.

"Just a tour. And I saw someone I know, thought I could say hi." I said and let him go of my hand.

I walked through the crowd until I reach him. He didn't roll his eyes, frown, or do anything else I expected him to do when he glanced at me; instead, he smiled and motioned for me to come over, "Kate! I never thought you would be coming here. You like boxing fights?" Troy asks as I stand next to him and give him a side hug, to which he responded quickly and hugged me too.

"I actually came here with a friend," I said, not mentioning the real reason, which is no other than Carter himself.

"That's cool," he remarked, and we stood where we were, watching the lame fight. "I am sorry I confused you last time we met, I was stupid to say that." he continued, not looking at me.

"It is fine, I think you meant by that you're single and don't want to date, right?" I said what I've put as a right answer to the puzzle he scattered and gave me Saturday night. He laughed and looked down shaking his head, "I don't even know what I meant to say, but hey, we met again so it may be a sign I might make it up for you." he said.

"I guess so, that would be brilliant," I said, grimacing as one of the boxers hit on the other guy so hard that his tooth fell out. How could Ben enjoy watching this? That is when I realized, Carter and Troy fought, and Carter is still...

"Why did you fight with him?" I ask and looked straight at his glowing face under the dim lights. He looked down at me and shrugged one of his shoulders, knowing what I am talking about, "It was a friendly match, Kate. No one really got hurt."

"Oh yeah? Like how his face is bleeding and his clothes are torn? Did you even know he has a healing wound on his stomach? Have you thought about what would happen to him if you hit him there? Troy, there are times when there could be the fun of a friendly fight, but this is such a huge-"

"Fine, Kate! I get it, you worry about him and don't want him to get hurt, take it easy and chill. It's not like the end of the world if you just stop talking about him all the time." He blew out a harsh breath, " No offense, but it looks like you're so into him." he says exasperatedly. Shit, did I talk a lot about him again? Bad Kate, bad.

"I am not into him," I calmly told him, "He is just a friend that I truly care about. And yes you are right, sorry if it made you mad." I said smiling slightly. His frown ceased, he smiled and sighed, "Sorry I shouldn't have blown on you like that, you even responded back sweetly. I just want you to know that he isn't a good match, for absolutely anything."

"You met him like, two months ago. How could you confidently say that about him?" I asked, smiling cheekily, I love being the smartass I always am, but not with the ass.

"See, you even know the time we met and when he entered this school, could you just try and pause thinking about him? Just for one night." he literally begs. I looked away and gulped. What led us to talk about this?

"I don't think that much about him, Troy." I said snappily, "Sorry, I just don't. Why would you even think like that?" I ask knowing the answer perfectly before he even responds.

"Prove it," he says. Huh?

"Prove what? What are you talking about?" I asked, trying to figure it out quickly in my head, but he beat me to it.

"For one night, prove that you don't care for that guy and can mind your business," he said smirking.

What the hell... he is not being serious right now. It's not that I can't go for several hours not thinking about Carter and 'mind my own business' as Troy described, it's simply that if I could trust Troy with whatever he's inquiring me to do. Is he trying to try to hurt me or wanting to be a friend and show me that I'm capable of doing things on my own?

"Let's do it, Troy. I can do that, it's like the easiest task ever." I said looking back at my friends, this is going to be the hardest task...

"What about Carter? He will get mad and try to distance you from me thinking I am no good for you,"

"He has no business with who I will be or who I can talk with," I said in a final tone. I am so scared and nervous about this because I know I can't do it that easily, but he is right, just one night can't do anything but bring my mind to empty itself from those constant nonsensical thoughts about him and only him.

"This is what I'm talking about, mate!" he said and smiled at me, which I returned with a giggle.

"So, what am I supposed to do?" I asked Troy.

"Supposed to do what, love bunny?" I hear his voice whisper behind me in my ear, making shivers run down my spine. I jerked my head around to meet Carter's scowling face, "Why did you come here?"

"Because she wants to, Carter. And why did you come here? Aren't you supposed to go there and have your best nightlife with your dear drinks and thoughts?" Troy sneers at him. Carter's nose flared and huffed.

"You better shut the fuck up," he said with gritted teeth.

"No, Carter, you stay quiet," I said quietly, but he caught up with it. And I knew it when he looked at me with shocked and wide eyes, "Now you are teaming up with this douche bag? Love bunny, I am drunk as fuck and I need you to be with me, but here you are with him talking about what you're supposed to do with him?"

"I asked and begged you earlier to talk to me, but you didn't bother to answer me," I replied honestly.

"Fucking bullshit! You know, what? Fuck it! I was trying to say this for the past few days, and what you say always bothers the shit out of me, and you know what is? You always say that we are friends, good friends, loyal friends, and shit friends whenever you like, but have you asked what I really want? No, no, not want, but need!" he bellows, grasping my arms tightly, "I fucking want you! I need you! I am falling for you! You pushed me to get drunk and babble stupid shit and be who I want to be, and it is all because I am crazy about you!" he screamed, making me drop my jaw and stay still.

Uhm, what did he just say?