Chapter 1~

Toga pov~

As dabi carried (y/n) on his back and I walked behind him to make sure she doesn' fall off. "Dabi?" I asked quietly "yes toga" he said kinda of serious "what do you think will happen when she wakes up?" I said while we walked in the alley towards the hideout "I don't...know... maybe freak out or scream or cry? It could be anything." We reached finally the dark door with the little rectangle peephole.

I knocked on the door since dabi has (y/n) on his back. We waited for a them to answer the door while dani was getting tired carrying (y/n). They finally opened it for me and dabi.  As we walked in I saw Shigaraki and kurogiri sitting at the bar. "Me and dabi completed the mission Shigaraki " I said formal enough to show my respect "let me see little ms. aizawa" dabi slowly dropped her and carried her bridal style to Shigaraki trying not to wake her "ah... she looks like her mother and father" he touched her face but lifted his pinky up so he doesn't disintegrat her.

" what are we gonna do to her Shigaraki?" I asked him impatiently wanting to know since we took her away from her dad. "We will make her one of us and teach her that heros are the bad influencers". After that he walked away with (y/n) to the hallway. We all follow or maybe just me hehe. I saw him take her to a room kind of next to mine I walked in to see it looked kind of like her room just no windows. He tucks her in with his pinky high and then turned around to walk out. "No blood from her toga because she will be our little helper to destroying the No.1 hero" he said as he walked away. I was kinda upset but maybe just a little he won't notice.

Iquietly walk up to her and slowly bring my tube out and just as I was about to get her blood someone ruin my chance. "What are you doing toga?" I turned around to see it was dabi "uh just checking to see if she was okay why?" I say hiding the tune in my sleeve "lemme see your hands out" I did as told and nothing "okay roll up your sleeves" I was screwed hehe I did and the tube fell out "uh what was that doing there?" I sweat drop as I pick it up. "Can't follow one simple thing can you toga."

"So what she will eventually be friends with me so it won't hurt?" I said "whatever toga but boss will notice" dabi said after he turned around a left.

Shigaraki POV

"So what will you do with the girl Shigaraki?" kurogiri said kinda confused "well we will wait to see our little pro hero notices her missing and then go from there next" I said while scratching my neck once again. "But for now we must tell her nothing about her father at the moment" I looked at kurogiri as to tell the others "right sir" as kurogiri walked to tell the others "what will I do with you little Ms. Aizawa?"


I know this is kinda short but it's hard to focus on work and practice at the same time but I will update soon ✌😋 hope you enjoyed