Chapter 4~

(Y/n) aka you have you mothers quirk and fathers

Dad's quirk~ obviously erases your quirk for about 5 minutes before blinking

Mom's quirk~ basically controls puppets

Anyway she has mixture of both *cough* 'like todos' but it's not on one side like his it's just a mixture. She does have a difference tho she lasts longer than her father she likes up to 10 minutes 'i know it's impossible but just go with it' and she does the same as her mother so no difference there. And sorry haven't updated yet I just recently had a game and I got practice once again🙄 but ✌️ I try to update again also last chapter or before that one she mentions hero's yes i know it show on the front of the cover she doesn't know what hero's are. Here is the explanation she knows the word (hero) but she doesn't know what it means or what they do I will get to the point soon sorry for the



(Y/n) POV

Ever since I came here I forgot a few things like how old I am and what my favorite colors are. Toga is helping me train my quirk while dabi is helping me by showing me stances. Also kurogiri is helping me learn how to cook and read. I have to say they are like family to me "toga what am I learning today?" I asked proudly "sorry (n/n) I'm not training you today shigaraki is" I looked scared after she said his name.

He is showing me stuff that scares me but I have to show him I'm worthy. "Ahh yes we must get to training (y/n)" he said walking in the door. "O-ok" I said walking behind him. "Bye toga" I said waving "bye (n/n)" after that the door was closed. "Okay now sit in the chair" he said. I walked to the chair that stood in the middle of the room and sat down "this may pinch a little" after that he put a needle in my neck.

I started to cry. It hurt very badly yeah I've gone through test with him but this is new. "It's okay (y/n) this will help you" he said as my vision started to fade to the darkness.

Shigaraki POV

She went limp after I was done putting the needle in her neck. "Now the plan is working how I wanted it to" I said walking out "what happened in there I heard faint cries?" Toga asked "I just injected a serum to make her forget everything" (I ain't finna lie idk how to spell that) "oh" was all toga said then walked off.

"So when will she wake up?" Kurogiri asked "hmmm..... maybe in a few hours or so" I said still wondering if it'll work on her. "Okay now that is done dabi go to her room and take everything that will remind her of the past" I said "yes sir" and then he left.

Toga POV

I can't believe she is getting her mind erased that means she won't remember me and the times we had a few days. I walked into my room like place and closed the door and sat on the floor. 'Knock knock' "hey toga since boss wants me to clean her room and I'm I wanted to see if you wanted her stuff?" Dabi said.

I walked up to open the door to see dabi standing there "yea I'll go with you" I said quietly we walked to her little room and took her things "I wish she would be able to remember our little times together" I said sadly "it's okay that means you can make better memories and better times I mean we still have plenty of years" Dabi said to cheer me up.

"True that"

Author POV ~walking home~

'I wish things were easier for me' He thought on his way home -sigh- was all he did after his thought. He arrived home upset about what happened when he was on his night shift that day. "Why can't life be easier for me I lost my wife and now my daughter" he said crying

"Why can't I have my daughter back she was only thing left of me and my happiness. She was all I had of Lucy my last piece of happiness." He said on the floor crying loudly. "I-I just want her back-k. Please" he said whispering. As he was on the ground crying his phone was ringing it was Hizashi Yamada.

"H-hello" he said "aye yo wanna go hang out tonight?" Hizashi said weirdly which made him laugh "sure....but where?" He asked confusingly "don't worry bout that man just get ready" was all hizashi said then hung up.

Back at LOV (still author)

"It's done kurogiri bring her out" shigaraki said "yes sir" kurogiri left to bring you out "I can't wait to see her again and make more memories" toga said excitingly "dabi you got everything put correct?" Shigaraki asked "yes sir toga took them but I told her whenever (y/n) is with her to be somewhere instead of her room" he said in a serious tone.

"Here is the new and improved (y/n)" kurogiri said "who are you?" She said kind of confused "we are your family" toga said as she ran up to you "okay hi are you my sister?" "Yes I'm your only sister but instead of sissy just call me toga" she said sticking her hand out



This is sort of good Ig I started it a few weeks back but I couldn't finish till now since I had summer school for Spanish 2 to be ahead and do softball so I will update whenever I have time but hope you enjoy😊