Chapter 6.

I don't quite remember answering the question, but I found myself following the man with the eerie voice into the dimly lit room. Tall and thin are the only two traits I could really make out through the thin light. I wanted to ask so many questions but couldn't find the voice. There wasn't much that there was in the room, a lot of artifacts were placed on the shelves on the walls of the room. Paper books from the past were strewn in piles everywhere in the room. We were walking in a curvy path to the next room when I stopped.

Sitting on top of a book in a pile across the room there was a small device. If I hadn't spent my time on my telecom researching historic artifacts from the old times, I wouldn't have recognized it. There weren't paper books nowadays which could've been a reason why I was able to see it so fast. The illegal research I spent my free time on didn't tell me much besides the fact that the name of the object and what it was used for, which I guess was all I needed to know. Faded blue, and very dusty the flash drive wasn't much. "Ah yes there is much in this room from the past. Interesting isn't it? How everything in the past was once the present we are in now. Though I am curious, you have the look in your eye that you know what most of this is. Now that would make you one very special person wouldn't it?" I hadn't realized we had stopped walking. I don't know why but I must've stopped to get a closer look at the drive, because I wasn't on the curvy path anymore. The drive, with closer inspection had a symbol on it. I snapped out of it then and turned around quickly. The man leaning on the doorway to the next room, with his head crooked to the side peering at me intently. He got off the doorway and walked into the next room, seeming to tell me to follow.

When I got into the next room, there wasn't nearly as many things on the floor. The room wasn't really big, and in the middle of the room there was a desk and chair. When I took a seat, the man began to pull a deck of cards out and shuffle. I could see a little more of his features close up now like a hat, dark glasses, skin that was a light brown. The man looked like he was in his forties, but I had a feeling he was older than that. He handed me the deck of cards to shuffle, and so I did. After shuffling I handed them back. He split the deck into three piles on the table, and the reading began.

"Before you draw, have question or a thought and hold it in your head as you pick the card up. The deck will show your past, present, and future related to this question." He stated looking serious, yet with a slight smirk.

As I went to turn over the first card to the left, the question left in my head was one I didn't think of often but did always wonder. While most people had an idea of what they wanted and who they were in society today, I never really knew what I wanted or was. The question rang clear in my head, what's my purpose?

I turned the cards over one by one and looked up. The look on the man's face was one of intrigue and fascination. I don't know much about the meaning behind tarot cards, but I could tell my cards were an interesting mix. The first card with its name written on the bottom, was the upright High Priestess. The second one was the upright Ten of Swords, and the last being the Fool.

"Even more interesting, the meaning behind what these cards represent for you is something that should be clear to you. If not already will be in time." He looked over his glasses and I was surprised to see his eyes were an unnatural glowing green with pink swirls. The man didn't seem of this world and didn't look like it either. "The reading is over, but you may take your cards. I have plenty where those are from, just remember the question you had in your head. That may just be the key to understanding it all." He gets up and walks through the doorway.

I take the cards up and fit them into the inside of my bra. You'd think in the year 2128 that there would be pockets on a dress. The room begins to get foggy and I realize its harder to see. As I make my way out of the room and into the next, I can't see the man anywhere, and figure he has disappeared. Going down the curvy path again I can't help but think of the drive I saw with the crown symbol on it. Looking around now I can't see much because of the fog that is seeping in from the previous room. I exit the little room and find myself in the dark hallway I was standing in before the reading. It felt like I had been in the room for lifetimes and completely forgot about where I was before. I remembered the party very quickly when the EDM music started to blare into my ears again. The familiarity of it all somewhat disappointing, I made my way out of the hallway and snuck past the crowd to the doorway exit, heading to my room. I entered the party not expecting much and left it with a feeling that for the first time in my life felt like I was awake.