Chapter 22. *But, do what makes you happy*


"Remind me what's the objective again?"

I'm standing at the border of the barrier speaking into my ear piece.

"I can't believe they sent me on this mission babes."

"Sadie you're one of the best damn operatives we have, I think it would be more of an insult if they didn't send you."

"I know, I guess I just really wanted to spend the weekend with you." I pout.

"And you will, right after you get Nevaeh's friends."

"Alright but when I get back you better have a surprise for me." I tease.

"Oh for you? Anything."

I hang up and measure for any discrepancies in the barrier.


The screen blinks green, so I pull out the laser and begin to make a hole in the barrier. Once the I'm through, all I've got to do is find those friends.


The bright blue walls of the hallway are almost blinding. The landing bay is farthest away from the dorms and because of that I have to walk through this hideous hallway. They make the landing bay farthest away from everything because of how loud it is. There's constantly ships going in and out of the landing bay dropping off and picking up supplies. Also the mechanics are working on the drop ships as well.

I've got to figure out how to steal drop ship so here's my plan. First things first, I have to get past the officials and to do that I'm going to have to lie out of my ass. Once I go past the initial doorway they will try to redirect me back towards to the dorms. I know that I'm not allowed into the docking bay without a guide, but if I can cause a distraction I'll be able to get across the line. Once through I can sneak onto a ship and plant a tracker/navigator.


"Have you gotten in yet." I hear Evie say through the comm link in my ear.

"No Evie, I haven't gotten in yet." I whisper.

"Well hurry it up the next rotation is coming up and that means more guards."

"Oh really? Wow I had no idea."

"Okay enough of the sarcasm Casanova. Actually while I've still got you what's going on with you and our dear old Ollie."

I blush. I knew she was going to bring it up at some point. When Evie had walked in on us that night I honestly wasn't bothered by it. Ollie however, had turned into a tomato.

"I have no idea what you could possibly be insinuating miss." I answer.

"Alright be like that, you know the way he looks at you though right? He's obviously madly in love...just saying." I can hear the smirk on her face as she's saying this.

"Thank you so much for the wise words bestie." I roll my eyes.

"Oh of course, anytime." She replies sarcastically.

The call clicks out and the transmission ends. I slide the smoke disc under the door in front of me at the end of the hallway. I hear the guards on the other side of the door cough and then a loud thump.

I open the door and the guards are on the floor, as they should be. I take the stairs down onto the floor of the bay. There aren't any personnel now because the rotation hasn't happened yet.


"Alright so, I'm in the ship?"

"Okay good, go to the holo servers deck."

I walk through the main hall of the ship and past the supply loads. This ship must only be a supply ship, hence the reason why there aren't any dormitory room in the ship. Maneuvering though the ship was easy but as soon as I reached the holo servers I realized just how hard everything was about to be.

"I have absolutely no idea what I'm looking at here E'"

"Uh duh, that's why I'm here dumbass."


"So my parents didn't tell me about my aunts that I have no recollection, of ever existing?"

The room, already tense gets even more tense and I realize that Killian is staring into the wall. Louis, standing by the doorway, has a very concerned look on his face and the ladies in front of me.... Well my long lost aunts I guess are hard core staring at me. Well the one on the right is, the one on the left however is currently staring through the slider door at the entrance way.

"Its a bit more complicated than that dearie." The woman on the right says.

"Um, well feel free to explain it because this is getting to be a little too much a little too fast."

"And I will definitely be doing that, soon. I think we have a more immediate problem on our hands. We need you to understand what you're up against."

"And what is that exactly? The grey society, this community, or maybe just life itself. Look I appreciate the help and everything but I'm just trying to get back to my friends and live a decent life with them." I start to get up but the woman on the left turns to me.

"Nevaeh, I understand this all sounds crazy and I can only imagine how this sounds to you. I really want you know something though." She rests her hand on mine.

I slowly sit back down, because I have a feeling that I should really listen to this.

"Your mother and father didn't just create the great society or this rebellion, they made sure to raise you away from the eyes of the society. They loved you Nevaeh. They never planned on meeting the end the way that they did. They wanted to make sure you were safe no matter what though and that was our job. So although we weren't in your life, know that we're still watching every step of the way. And if we could've we would've been there every step of the way." A tear rolls down her face, she doesn't move to wipe it away.

"Nevaeh hun, I need you to know that I will do everything to help reunite you with your friends. The society is going to try to stop you no matter what though and so we should come up with a plan for that." She turns to her sister, and whispers.

"Delilah...." I could barely hear what they were saying but at least I know what the lady on the right's name.

They finish their quiet conversation and loo up at me. The one on the left stays sitting, while Delilah nods and leaves the tent. I notice Louis left the doorway when I look back and as Killian walks away him and I make brief eye contact but his look said it all.

"Dearie, let's head to map room to let you know more about the plan. Also I don't think we ever properly introduced ourselves. I go by Delilah, and my sister is Cosma." She smiles as she tells me.

I smile back but I can't help get the look Killian gave me, out of my mind.

We need to talk.