Clouds merged with the sky as it turns pink and purple while the sun sets in the horizon. It was a perfect picture as Aunt Dahlia took stolen pictures of Uncle Lark and Trevor covering their legs with sand. As for Caleb and I we yet again chased each other along the crashing of waves since none of us wanted to get wet. It was like the olden times when we chased each other non-stop. Although earlier, Caleb and I shared stories of our past. I told him who Dylan is and what happened to my parents. Also, he told me our childhood stories which I have utterly failed to recall since my accident a long time ago.

In an instant we became closer than before. We pretty much laugh at the insane pranks we pulled on each other. The little laughter's we shared.

Now, we're sitting on the shore as the sun goes down the skyline.

"Do you remember when you ate a goldfish in your mouth?" He asked, giggling.