
*y/n and Deku are back at the dorms*

deku: hey want to hang out sometime?

y/n: Sure! when?

Deku: tommorow?

y/n: sure!

Deku: could...I have your number so I can text you...where?

y/n: Sure *you write down you number* here!

deku: okay thank you.. are you going to minas sleepover?

y/n: yeah are you?

deku: No Totoroki is having a boy sleepover at his dorm...

Y/N: okay see you tomorrow then *you grab your things and go to Mina's dorm*

*at the dorm*

Mina: Hey y/n I'm so glad you can make it!

Y/N: Thanks what do you play on doing?

Mina: just watch!

*get get a text*


From: xxx-xxx-xxxx

hey y/n this is deku just wanted you to save my

number to your phone!

okay thank you!


Y/N thinks: What should his name be in my contacts?

*you type* Deku🥦

y/n: No...

*you type* Izuku Midoriya

Y/N: No...

*you type* Deku 💚

Y/N: That should be good enough

*Hears a knock on the door*

Y/N: Mina what's going on~

*Mina opens the door*