"Are you alone?" Rence asked. I smile and nodded at him.

"They all busy actually I'm with dadshie but—" Bryan cut my words.

"Where is he right now?" I rolled my eyes. He cut my words then he going to ask me. Like seriously? Are you crazy men?

"Try to finish my words." I said and I smile at him in a fake way.

"So like what I said earlier i'm with my dad

but—" Bryan cut it again.

"What? What happen? Ops... Sorry! Sorry! Go ahead... Continue..." I glared at him but he just smile and peace sign at me. I sighed before I start to say something.

"There's something in their office that's why—"

"Wait! Someone texted me..." Bryan stop me from talking. He put his hand in my face. I immediately remove his hand.

"It's a prankkkk! Hehehe... Continue." He said and he laugh so hard. I give him a death glare but he just gave me a sweet smile. I rolled my eyes.

"Are you done? Or maybe you have a work to do." I said in sarcastic tone. He acts like he's thinking something and he shook his head.

"Work? No. I don't have a work. I'm just a student. Tss. What kind of question is that, Stacie?" Bryan said with a smile on his face. He also hit me on the arm.

"I'm not asking! It's statement! Idiot!" I said in irritate tone. I'm going to kill this man i swear. He's losing my temper.

"Luh... 'Are you done?' That's the question you just said. Like DUH!" He said and rolled his eyes at me. He copy my tobe

What the heck?! And He's copying my line. 'Like DUH!' It's my line, right? He's

"DUH! What i'm saying is—"

"Whatever! Just continue what your saying about your dad." He cut what i'm saying again. Again. AGAIN. Tsk! It's okay stacie. Calm down... CALM DOWN.

"So, He leave me here because—" I want to punch someone right now. As in RIGHT NOW.

"What is it? You just repeating. Just straight to the point. Tell on us what's the reason." I rolled my eyes very hard.

"Grrrrr! You want some punch?! How can I say it if you always cutting what i'm going to say?! How?! HOW?! " I shouted at him in annoyed tone but he just laughed.

"Ops! Are you really annoyed sis? Hahaha! Okay. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. You can continue now. I will not interrupt what you going to say." He said in the middle of laugh.

"Grrr! You making me angry Bryan! So Dadshie leave me here because there's an emergency in their work. That's all I want to say but I can't finish it because you always cutting my words." I said in annoyed tone and I also rolled my eyes. He just laughed. He's happy, huh? He really love to see my annoyed/angry face.

"You're so slow to speak. You alway's saying 'I'm with dadshie but...' 'He was here but...' " Bryan said. So it's my fault now???

"Like DUH! You just in hurry." I said and I rolled my pretty eyes again and again and again.

"Hey! That's my line!" Bryan shouted at me.

What did he just said? It's his line?!

"That's mine kyahh! It's my line! I'm the original here!" I shouted back. It's my line, right? Right?

Yeah. I know. It's really mine. I'm very sure of that.

"Hey! It's mine sis!" Bryan shouted. This guy is so so so snatcher.

"Its my line! You're snatcher bit—" Fvck! Rence covered my mouth and Bryan's mouth.

"Sorry for the scene they cause. Don't mind them. They are just crazy." Rence said to the crowd who looking us. I rolled my eyes. He pulled us out of the bookstore.

When we got away from the bookstore he let go of us.

*Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale Inhale Exhale*

"I'm gonna die! I'm gonna die! I'm gonna die! Shocks! I will sue you! I will sue you for kidnapping!" I shouted and I glared at Rence.

"Sue me for kidnapping? I Didn't kidnapped you. " Rence asked and said in inoccent voice. He's right. Why did I said it? Grrr... You so stupid Stacie.

"Whatever! I will sue you! You almost to killed me!" I shouted but rence didn't mind it. He just chuckled. He thinks I'm joking, huh.

"You so OA. Don't mind her dude. Maybe she will sue you for kidnapping cause you kidnapped her heart." Bryan said and smirked. He put his arm on Rence's shoulder. "If you have a plan to kidnap her heart you should ask for her permission first. I'm sure she will allow you. Know why? Because she's madly inlove with you. Bwahahaha..." Bryan said again and he laughed.

What?! Me?! Madly inlove with Rence?! I knew it! This guy is really crazy. What an insane! But in fairness his laugh is so scary it's like a monster's laugh.

"Monster!" I shouted at bryan. I turned back at them. Rence bought my books maybe while Bryan and I were arguing, He was paying it.

"Oy! Where are you going?" Rence asked.

"Why you miss me already?" I looked at him with a mischievous smile. "I'm going home..." I answered his question.

"Why?" Rence asked. I rolled my eyes on his question.

Yieee... He missed me already. He didn't deny it.

"What? DUH! I'm alone... I don't want to be a loner here. I'm too pretty to be a loner. I'm going home! Bye!" I said or should I say I shouted.

"Why don't you come with us?" Bryan said. I laughed sarcasticly.

"Wow! After you annoyed me earlier, You really think I will come with you. No way!" I said and I rolled my eyes. After he cut my words. After he annoyed me. After he copy my line. Then he want me to come with them. No way. No freaking way. I will rather choose to sleep at home than to be with them. I will never come with them. Even they buy me foods. No! Never! No thanks.