Chapter 21: Beach Extravaganza

Once the official races were over and the King coronated the winning boat, all the royals nestled back at the docks to head to the beach for some much-needed sunbathing. Sebastian, Lauren and I were walking along the docks by the time the rest of ladies gathered.

'Ready for the beach extravaganza?', Sebastian hopped in his place.

'Will the press be there?', I asked, mostly for Lauren than me. I needed her to make major points with the press. That's the quickest way for her to get under the King and Queen's radar – if she can impress the people, she can impress them. Hopefully, this will be a ticket in for her to actually become the future Queen of Monaco.

'Nope! That's why I am so excited! Only fun to be had in the most gorgeous beaches in the area', Sebastian was practically singing.

Damn! I'll have to find another way to get them to pay Lauren some much needed attention.