Chapter 26: I Am Yours

I slipped into a lacy, black nightie that I had packed earlier but never used until today. I had never worn it before. It was an impulse purchase when I was buying undergarments from Le Petite Coquette back in Manhattan. It was way before I knew of Harper and Henrik, when I was still a single waitress waiting for her knight in shining armor to walk through the doors of Charlie Wilmer's.

Little did I know that I would be using it today.

I waited impatiently for Henrik, but he was late. Was he having second thoughts? Did he change his mind about tonight? I checked my phone, but there were no texts from him.

Where is he?

A soft knock on the door made my worries vanish into thin air. I harried to the door and slowly unlocked it and let him in. He was dressed in a plain, white shirt and black city shorts. He looked casual and easy on the eye, and I suddenly felt very underdressed – quite too literally.