Chapter 42: The Novak Bash

Within a matter of minutes, the ballroom came to life as guests flowed in and servers distributes drinks and appetizers. We couldn't get hold of any bands to play for us tonight, so Sebastian hooked his phone to the speakers and played all his favourite dance hits and other musical renditions, setting the perfect atmosphere for the nobles to enjoy their stay at the Novak estate.

'It's been a while since I've seen my father this happy. Who knows? Maybe we'll get to see his wild side tonight', Sebastian said as we were observing how flawlessly the duke was mingling with the guests.

'Now that's something I can't wait to see!'

As we greeted guest after guest, I caught sight of Henrik and walked up to him. 'Welcome to the Novak Bash. You'll recognize some of these fine floral arrangements as yours.'

The moment he laid eyes on me, he caught his breath and looked like he wanted to do something that could get us both arrested. 'Wilson… you look…', he started.