Chapter 6: Arrangements

'I don't think that that's the kind of support Nikolina was toasting', Josephus tried to defuse the situation to prevent his son from any further embarrassment. 

'Well I happen to think that she needs a little prodding every now and then', Desislava said mischievously as she looked at the betrothed couple. 

'They have many years ahead of them. I'm sure we'll see her come out of her shell', Katerina told her sister and gave her a warning glance along with a soft pinch on the arm.

I can only imagine what having a sibling was like, but from the looks of it, it didn't look much fun. Being an only child did have its merits, after all. But there were times when I wished I had a sibling just so that my parents could focus their attention on someone else for a change.

Nikolina excused herself from the conversation and approached us with a sly smile on her face. 

'Lady Lauren, I'm happy to see you've finally arrived', the host greeted her guest.