Chapter 22: Out of Frame

'Italia is the most beautiful country in the world, isn't it? I envy your opportunity to experience my country with fresh eyes', Niccolò started making small talk as we enjoyed our risotto with capers and espresso.

'The rolling hills of Tuscany, the shores of Sicily, the bustle and history of Rome', he continued dreamily then took another bite of his risotto.

'You're forgetting the crowded streets and the annoying tourists', Sabrina couldn't help but remark as she fiddled with her food. She clearly wasn't enjoying the peculiar combination of our entrees.

'Only someone with a truly narrow mind can't look past those inconveniences', he told her, but not allowing her to sour his mood any more than she already had.

There was just no shutting her up!

'Italy is an unrivaled wellspring of art and culture. Our artisans and craftspeople are world-renowned. The only downside is that their tenacity outpaces the local market', he continued.