Chapter 31: Allergies

Our group joined the throng of bodies bobbing and swaying to the latest club hits. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, and I wanted to hug myself with glee. Lauren smiled and took my hand, pulling our bodies together. I synced my movements with hers, swaying with the music and trying to enjoy myself if even for a couple of minutes.

'We should do this more often', Lauren suggested excitedly.

'You won't get any arguments from me', I agreed with her and we both giggled as we continued dancing the hypnotic beat. 

I looked around for the other ladies, and I noticed that even Nikolina was losing herself to the music. The ladies began to pair off with nearby men, getting drunk from the champagne in their hand and looking like they needed this night to unleash. Sabrina shot me a significant as Sandrine and Talia found partners. Nikolina was still dancing all by herself.