
I'm Hailey Anderson, a 17-year-old girl from Tiberius School, a highly emotional, less serious, optimistic, and perhaps typical teenager. The possessor of the listed qualities has paid quite a lot for life, both joyful and horrible. When I was 5 years old my mother passed away, she had an incurable disease, I still have a hard time remembering her. Like Landy, I remember her delicate, gentle face, her curly hair falling from her shoulders, and her amazingly beautiful green eyes. I remember his touch, the warmth of his fingers, though over the years his shadow disappears more and more. I will never forget the day when I unconsciously saw on the floor, with faded, spark-extinguished eyes, a once full of life, fighting woman. I always have a hard time remembering this period and still realizing that she is no longer by my side. I felt lonely and completely empty after my mother died, but this pain was at least slightly alleviated by my aunt, with whom I had to live before I went to school. She was able to take me to hell, to fill some of the pain, to bring me back to earth. She is not with me now, but my mother lives in my heart. I only lived with her for a few years because at the age of 8 I had to travel with my grandmother to Tiberius School. I had to live with a woman who so hated his dead daughter because she disobeyed his mother and preferred love. Unfortunately, my mother made a big mistake because this love did not turn out to be real, my father left it soon after, and I had to raise alone.

I remember the day I first came to this school. I was very scared. I was afraid of seeing the only loved one because I knew how strong her hatred for me was. This hatred grew stronger over the years as I became more and more like my mother, with green eyes, curly but light-colored hair, and a similar character. All this made him angry. I could never have imagined how I could have such a grandmother whom everyone feared. However school has changed a lot in my life. On the very first day of school, I met Hazel Gray, a lively, lovely girl with hazel eyes. Our friendship grew stronger every minute, every second, and continues to this day. We have gone through many things together, we have a lot of history together, and today she is my closest friend, more precious than Sister and the most distinguished of all.

Soon after our friendship, the most sincere, noble, and caring person in this world, William Lee, appeared. Even today, Hazel and I admire her talent and desire to make everyone around him happy. Another member of our circle of friends is Daniel, his entry into our circle is accompanied by a separate story. We were about 12 years old when Hazel, William and I were in an old room on the top floor of our secret location at the back of the school building. Nobody used this room. Although this place was very old, we did not find it difficult to put it in order, we tried not to leave any suspicious items. One day miracles happened. William agreed to run with us to the town where the annual festival was held. William wanted to leave because of a more literal angle, we were all happy and this time we were more careful to make sure everything went well. As we walked from Mr. Smith Garden to Central Street, we noticed that someone was following us. We tried to escape, but we realized it made no sense because it was Daniel and he would never let himself down. I always felt that this guy was going to get us into some trouble and that turned out to be true. When we started arguing, Hazel was not intimidated and threatened to listen to the school principal, my grandmother, which was tantamount to death. So we had to take him with us. We had a great time at the festival and we all had fun. Luckily Daniel was doing well too. The next day, as we approached, we told him about our secret room and became friends. To this day, we endure his bitter humor. Even Hazel endures his outbursts towards him. Surprisingly, he is still alive today, and finally Richard. Richard is the beauty standard of our school, yes you present yourself like this if you ever meet, a man in love with himself who thinks of nothing more than girls I think this selfish blue-eyed boy slept with more than half of the school girls and broke everyone's heart yes, yes such is our friend Richard. He moved out of our school at the age of 13 and became Daniel's best friend, which meant our friend came out too, getting to know him better turned out to be a good guy but the girls and self-esteem sometimes get in the way. I do not know why but Richard often behaved strangely never wanted to be with us during the day, he actually ate food, sometimes disappeared it was noticed by Hazel and Daniel but then as if they did not know what I was talking about they did not pay attention when I touched on topic like that. this applied to both Hazel and Daniel.

In Hazel's case, these changes were not surprising. 1 year ago she was in a car accident when she was going to a family reunion with her parents, she always waited happily for this day she also got ready that year normally and went to meet his parents happily, I remember that day it rained terribly but Hazel did not leave Followed by thunder. I remember William, Richard and Daniel and I were in a secret place and we could not even get out, we had to be there all night. It was that evening that this accident hit. Hazel's parents died but Hazel survived, it was unbelievable, but she managed it and survived. As I know someone found her at that time and took her to the hospital, I do not know this story exactly because Hazel never talks to me about it. This period seemed like a miracle, I only saw her once in 6 months, even when I was terribly ill, I had high temperatures, I could not even tell if Hazel was real or just a ghost, I wanted to be with him during that period, just encouragement, sharing grief but only 6 I managed a month later.From that day only I remember someone calling me to leave soon that they could not stay for so long, just repeating only 2 words that she would be back soon. As soon as I recovered I wrote to Hazel every day but she sent me pretty short answers, I only knew she was staying with her only aunt and for some time she was going to stay there, Hazel told me that as a child she often had to stay with her and loved her very much, this fact calmed me but I could not believe that we saw each other only once during these 6 months, when I asked that I wanted to meet her and I miss her, she often answered rudely, she did not tell me anything, she just asked me to be patient, but I did not remove this request and leave this topic because I thought she wanted solitude and did not want to be with others, she was just trying to analyze everything. I felt that I missed her more and more every day, the days were long gone, the end was not there, her rejection and coldness made her worse, I was nervous about her without moving such a great tragedy. Even today I can not understand why she decided to stay away from us. I used to write to her and guys too, she often answered Richard, which made me very angry and he never allowed me to ask him, somehow they changed, they did not treat me like before, they did not agree to run away from the city, they followed me back like idiots, it was very annoying but thank God one normal person Wlliam, He was by my side, saying nothing to me and turning around.