I'm with you

I can never imagine myself without Hazel, the person with whom I have a 9-year friendship, but not an ordinary friendship, but a relationship that is special, and I always mention it when I have the opportunity to do so.

Like I said, I met Hazel on the first day I came to this school, I remember all the newcomers standing in the big corridor, Hazel was standing next to me, we had to wait there for a long time, we even tried to negotiate, I still laugh that I remember how embarrassed we were, we could hardly speak to each other . Then in front of us soon appeared a slightly whiter, blond-haired woman, held in the year, strongly standing, for a second someone strong middle-aged woman was impressed, but would be about 60 years old or even older. When she went up to the elevated place and began to speak I immediately remembered her familiar face and cold mournful voice. We all looked at each other and introduced ourselves very proudly and uttered the words

- I am Margaret Bennett, Assistant Principal of this school, our school is one of the oldest among other schools, and I will always protect the reputation and name of this school, if any of you try to break the rules of the school and even if you oppose it will be severely punished.

The children were surprised and scared, they probably did not expect such cruelty on the day of the first acquaintance. He took out a large piece of paper and told us whoever heard her/his last name to stand in the appropriate corner according to the ordered class, we all listened with applause to complete the task as soon as she heard his first and last name, no one wanted to receive a note on the first day. I watched her face, the movement of her lips and tried to understand for her how to explain the reason for this non-existent relationship. After reading a few kids' first and last names, I hear my first and last name Hailey Anderson, Miller class, we suddenly looked at each other for a second, had a speechless expression, and I did the set task. After that a few kids joined the group, later I hear Hazel Gray, Miller's class, came quickly and stood next to me, we laughed at each other as if we had been friends for a long time and were happy to see each other again, we stood very close to each other and anticipated what would happen next.

When the redistribution of children was completed, we were introduced to the schedule and taught in the classrooms. We had the first lesson of Miss Miller, a man who even today is my favorite teacher, who has helped us many times to get out of a hopeless situation. The only teacher who allows us to sit with whoever we want, Hazel and I did not think much and we sat together, the lesson went perfectly until at the end of the lesson my grandmother came into the room and started talking, telling us the rules that no one could leave the school building after 8 o'clock , He listed a few codes before he left and the bell rang and the children dispersed, and my grandmother approached me so suddenly that I could not even notice, it was completely unexpected for me, she looked at me for a moment, then seemed to be talking to a useless object, looking somewhere deep

- Remember well, daughter of Elena, one eye-catching action from you, if I notice you will be severely punished by me personally

As soon as she said these words she hurried to the exit and I, completely astonished, frightened and helpless child, ran away crying and somehow found myself in the corridor where no one was, I crouched in the corner and cried, soon I felt that someone was running towards me and I touched him. She hugged the new acquaintance and told me that nothing should scare me, she was able to calm me down, tried to dispel the fear that the woman had left me, as a child she explained to me that Bad woman could not do anything to me and from now on we would be good friends. After this situation, we were always together, we strengthened each other when we were in trouble, we were proud of each other, and our character played a big role in that, we did not break school rules and no teacher would catch us and send us reprimands, we always tried to revive other students' lives. Of course we have been punished many times for this, but we were Hazel and Hale who are not scare the little obstacle. From time to time William helped us even though he did not like to contradict the school charter, but we often had it, in the following years when we were already good friends with Daniel we had it too, but unlike William he immediately agreed with us, we were quite different and interesting in Richard's time.

I well remember the day when we first broke out on a large scale, about 6-5 years ago, then there was still no Richard coming to our school, it was dinner time and we were all in the dining room together, they were very serious and aggressive because they knew the school principal Arrived and accompanied by some guests, this man was a good type of joker, I have met several times in person, he seemed to love children very much, then I realized what he needed such a ruthless assistant, otherwise I am sure if he had been my grandmother the school would have been completely destroyed. We were a little late for dinner and before entering we noticed a principal in the corridor and a man was watching the classes. When we sat at the tables like other students, Hazel and I could not rest, looked at each other and started throwing spaghetti here and there. Shooting there, and those who were bothered by their conscience, joined us a little later, I really did not know what we were thinking then, so now that I look back, I just blame the childish omissions, it is even surprising that more than half of the children joined us in this aliquot, even when they knew someone was visiting There were separate cooks trying to calm us down and put everything in order but in vain, then in such a fuss everyone suddenly shuts up and enters one place as the door opens