Unfair Behavior

The friendship that lasted for 9 years introduced me to Hale from beginning to end. She is sister me who I has never had. A girl who always supported me and stood by me no matter what happened. I felt more confident with her, I knew that Hale was standing behind me and if anything came to her she would not step back at no cost. It all gave me the strength to face evil in the face of it, because I had never been so fearless. Then that day in the bathroom I imagined horrible and dizzying images in my own mind. What would have happened if I had not been with her? Would she stay alive at all? Before I was transformed into this creature we had been in a situation like this before and I was always standing in front of Hale even though I was terribly scared. As much as Hale could sacrifice herself for me, I also went to great lengths to save her.

We go everywhere together and we have our secret places all over the city, one back room of a school that the boys know about and here is another place in the city and we have to go quite a long way to get there, we may get tired but when we see that amazing place we forget everything. There are no houses or buildings nearby. The large garden is similar to the park, which has been out of operation for several years. At the edge of the river where a large willow tree grows is our favorite place. We loved sitting at the foot of this tree and talking, just laughing and gossiping. We have such a wonderful time that we even want to spend the whole day there, but school does not allow us to do that. Indescribable emotions take over when we go to that place. This tree also has its ashes, with tall, green deciduous leaves that take the river somewhere far away when it falls, and we sometimes just keep quiet and listen to the flow of the river, the rustling of these leaves that never stop. We are really freezing here constantly without sio chris and warm clothes, so we are totally preparing in advance to leave. We have a tradition to come to this place every Wednesday and spend time until the school closes at 8pm.

Even now we are swimming at the foot of this tree, it is 7 o'clock, we are having fun and laughing as usual, today we presented a project on the topic: Ecology and waste. We talked the whole lesson, I'm not tired at all and Hale has really nothing to do with it, I thought going out on the air would still wake me up but in vain what I'm talking about I'm already closed my eyes, I prefer to sleep now because I'm talking and so I said:

- Maybe go to sleep for a while

- Good idea, I was terribly tired, woke up me in 15 minutes

- Order received from Miss Anderson

Haley smiled and closed her eyes. Wind blushed, and her blonde curly hair is hitting my face. I could not wait and said:

- Hale, maybe you should do something to this hair, I have already swallowed a few

- Excuse me, Ms. Hazel, the coziness of my hair has disturbed you, do you want to stand up and not bother anymore. I want to sleep

- It is really better to stand up, because , you will also start waving hands

- stand up pleasee

- Do not be nervous, you know it shows wrinkles

- Hazel!

- I am standing, calm down.

I got up. I looked at Hale again and remembered a story that convinced me that a true friendship exists and it is between us. Friendship is difficult, but in the opinion of someone, wasted time, a prominent person at a certain stage of life can forever become your mystic and supporter, even for some, the appearance of this person and subsequent hiding from the eyes, causing great pain. Wounded in the past and then incurable scar will forever remain in human memory. Life did not promise you that you would live without problems, but gave you a chance to be strong and do everything for your own happiness.

This story happened about 3 years ago when we were just 14 years old. The boys still do not know about it. Monday, the usual school day, the first lesson, as we always had in English, the lesson was coming to an end when the door opened. I watched as this wooden gate was opening slowly and unbearably. Who should have been Margaret Bennett. A heartless, insensitive, ruthless creature. Yes, just being a creature like me, years after I was 17, I learned what Miss Bennett really is. I was always amazed at how a person used to be so careless. I did not like hem from the beginning, now this feeling has probably turned into hatred, at least what matters is that I do not have a fifth in my heart.

Enter the dingy, with quiet steps, with a headstrong, speechless expression. There was silence in the classroom, with himself in the middle, standing and uttering in a loud voice:

- Hailey Anderson only in the office urgently!

Hale shook her legs, but she was able to stand up, already where she had to go, when Hale stepped on Bennet's dress and unbuttoned a long dress embroidered with flowers. The grandmother turned to her granddaughter with heated eyes and shouted out with all her sound:

- You ugly and ugly girl, no matter who your mother was, you are also a non-existent person that no one needs! Your place in this school is not! you hear me!?, you are not worthy of all this! Years go by and you don't even get smarter, tell me, do you understand why? Why ?! You owe it to your mother to be here, now, come!