
The sun shined, I got up in the morning and ran straight to the classroom because otherwise I would be late. On Mr. Jeffrey's lesson Hazel and I can't sit together. Daniel immediately sat down next to me, at first I was surprised because this place was William's, but now when I looked at Hazel and saw that Richard was sitting, I realized. This is an indication that we have control over history today and that Daniel could not take his place. The teacher handed us the tests and returned to his desk. In a few minutes I hear Daniel's voice:


- what do you want? -I whisper to him

- Which one is in the third?

- 1914

- OK thank you

Runs for 2 minutes

- Hale

- Yes

- In the fourth?

- George Washington

- Good

A few more minutes pass

- Hale

- In fifths 1861, in the sixth Germany conquered France and in the seventh 318 000

- I do not want them, I am interested in the eighth

- If you write the rest, you will know the answer of the eighth

- What did you tell me, Hale?

- December 7, 1947

Guess what, it only takes 1 minute

- Maybe you can tell the answer of nine

- Daniel! Wait for me to think! -I said so loudly that the whole class stared at me

- Do you have any problems Hailey Anderson?

- No, not Mr. Jeffrey, it's the fault of the nerves

- If you can calm your nerves and be silent another note and i throw you out of class.

- Yes, forgive me

The teacher continued to write in the journal, and I looked at Daniel angrily

- Why do you look at me like that? He asked me

- Probably because I got a remark because of you

- for me? You shouted to yourself

- Because you got on my nerves

- Probably you have a problem, go to the doctor and get tested

- Daniel!

The teacher stood up:

- Haley Anderson Leave your test and go outside!

- Yes, but...

- No, but quickly, otherwise I will not check the test, so I will write two

- Come on

Irritated, I looked at Daniel again and walked out of the classroom. I don't want to get a bad grade, but I haven't completed a few numbers, so I shouldn't really expect a high score. Ten minutes after the lesson came out, Mr. Jeffrey called me and I stepped back

- Good Hale, you managed to write the test, even though I gave you two remarks, the test was written quite well and with convincing arguments. Today A+

- Yes, but...

"How cool, Hale, I knew you could write," Hazel said, looking down at me.

- Good kids I went to class late, before the meeting

"Thank you, Mr. Jeffrey, and good-bye," I said

He smiled at me and passed out.

- Hazel, did you write to me?

- No it was Daniel

- Daniel? seriously?

- I wrote you, so surprise, -said Daniel

- You asked me for help here, how did you write the test so well

- I felt guilty that you were fired, so I turned on my brain and the answers came by themselves

- Thank you, but if you continue like this, I will not object to you writing to me again in the next check-ups.

- No no, not so much load on my brain

We all laughed and headed back to our seats. Even before the lesson started, Hazel and I agreed to meet in my room in the evening and do a project for literature together. The evening came, and Hazel came

- Ms. Hale, are you ready to do an ideal project?

- Well, I have one soul when we sit down and do this project that gives me nothing

- Why don't you give me anything, a beautiful 10 will appear in the journal

- Do not then it's worth the pain for you

We laughed, and this time Hazel shook my hand and told me that he was, at first I could not even understand what he was talking about, then when a boy approached the yard which looked good from my window, I immediately noticed that it was Gabriel and someone was following him.

- My God, you see what a coincidence you are going to do something

- what should I do ?! Speak a little quietly

- How does he understand that I am talking to you in the room on the 3rd floor, he is still far away. Hazel, don't be silly! You will not do anything good then protect me.

This time I opened the window where we were standing and shouted hello! And I quickly realized I knew it was a bit of a silly plan but I had to do something when I got up Hazel started laughing and told me

- Oh Hale, your plan was justified, he looked at me, but you already understand that I was not

- The main thing is not to do anything wrong if he looks at you and considers someone else stupid, he will not even understand who did it

- You are right, he can not understand

It would probably be two o'clock at night when we lay down on the couch and we both hung up.