
Anya looked at the towering building in front of her. The building looked very modern and luxurious. She felt she didn't belong there.

Atmajaya Group.

The large writing was emblazoned at the top of the building, indicating that the entire building belonged to the Atmajaya Family.

Everyone who walked in and out of the place looked very neat. The men who walked by the place wore long-sleeved suits or shirts with polished loafers. The women wear formal dresses that look expensive and high heels which made them look more graceful and charming.

Anya saw her current appearance from the glass reflection of the building. She only wore a regular shirt with jeans and sneakers. Her appearance really did not match the place she had come to this time. But she didn't care, all she thought about right now was her mother's hospital fees.

She entered the lobby of the building and walked to the reception desk, greeted by a woman with thick makeup. The woman looked at Anya from head to toe and looked away.

Anya tried to ignore the woman's disparaging gaze, "I want to meet Mr. Aiden Atmajaya," said Anya while handing Aiden's black business card.

The woman didn't even look at the name card Anya handed over, "Do you have an appointment?" She asked, looking at her nails that looked like they had just been painted.

"I haven't made an appointment yet, but Mr. Aiden was looking for me this morning. He said he wanted to meet me," Anya replied as she awkwardly pulled her hand back. She put the business card back in her bag.

"Sorry, you can't see him if you haven't made an appointment." The woman said as she waved her hand. She pretended to do something else as if she was busy.

"But ..."

Hearing Anya who insisted, the woman immediately looked up and glared at her. She snorted and said, "Too many women like you are looking for opportunities and want to meet Mr. Aiden. Look at your appearance! So shameless!"

Anya was speechless when she heard that woman. It was true that her clothes were not as fancy and expensive as those of the people who were there, but that didn't mean that woman could look down on her like this. She was not lying either, Aiden was really looking for her. But what could she say to defend herself? The receptionist wouldn't believe anything she said.

Anya stood awkwardly as everyone around her looked at her, judging and belittling her as if she didn't deserve to be in that place.

In the end, Anya decided to leave the building. It was no use staying there. After all, no matter what she did, she still wouldn't be able to meet Aiden.

Harris did not expect to see Anya's figure in the Atmajaya Group building. He knew that this morning Anya had refused Abdi's pick up and did not want to meet Aiden. But that woman suddenly appeared at Aiden's office!

He also witnessed the receptionist's unprofessional attitude when evicting Anya from the place. He immediately contacted Aiden to report this.

"Sir, Miss Anya is in the office lobby. But the office receptionist doesn't let him in because he doesn't have an appointment with you. " He said.

"Don't let her leave," Aiden answered briefly then hung up the phone.

After receiving orders from Aiden, Harris remained in the lobby and watched Anya, preparing to prevent her from leaving while waiting for her boss to arrive.

When Anya turned from the reception desk and was about to leave the place, suddenly Aiden's private lift sounded and opened. Aiden walked out of the elevator, making everyone around him bow and salute him.

Aiden paid no attention to these people, and didn't even glance at them. He immediately walked towards Anya and stopped right in front of her. Meanwhile, Anya was stunned when she saw Aiden walking towards her. How could there be such a perfect man in this world?

The man looked so handsome and dangerous when wearing dark clothes. The sunglasses on his face made him look even more manly. His hair was a little messy, but that didn't diminish his good looks and only made him look even more seductive.

For a woman's size, Anya had a fairly tall body. But when Aiden stood in front of her, she looked small and petite. In fact, she had to look up slightly to see Aiden's face.

Aiden and Anya immediately became the center of attention of everyone in the company lobby. They wanted to know what caused their boss to suddenly come down and turn to a woman. This was an extremely rare occurrence! In addition, the appearance of these two people was so contrasting that it was impossible to escape the attention of the passersby.

After a while, they began to realize that the woman in their company lobby was the same woman who was on the news. That woman who was with her boss at the hotel!

Whispers began to be heard around him, but Aiden didn't say anything. He was just silent while looking at the woman in front of him, ignoring the gazes of everyone around him.

On the other hand, Anya was very disturbed. She didn't like to be the center of attention. She stood awkwardly and asked Aiden, "I heard you were looking for me."

The question only received a nod in return from Aiden.

Aiden motioned for Harris to come over to him and whisper something to him. With alacrity, Harris rushed over to his boss and nodded after receiving orders from his boss.

"Come with me," said Aiden to Anya. After saying that, Aiden immediately turned around without waiting for an answer from Anya. Anya was stunned for a moment before immediately following Aiden with quick steps while lowering her head. The two of them walked towards Aiden's private elevator with the curious gazes of everyone in the lobby of the building.

After the elevator door closed, Harris immediately carried out the task ordered by Aiden. He approached the receptionist who spoke to Anya earlier, while the woman was still staring at the lift in amazement.

"You can take your final paycheck this month in finance department," Harris said expressionlessly. The woman was very surprised to hear that. She did not know what kind of mistake she did that made her suddenly fired just like that. She had carried out her duties according to company regulations, anyone who did not have an appointment beforehand should not meet the CEO in person. However, why was she suddenly fired?

"Bu ... But, what did I do wrong, sir?" She asked Harris. Her eyes filled with tears as she begged Harris not to lose her one and only job. Harris just shrugged. Harris didn't know himself either. The order came directly from the boss.

It sounded unfair because the receptionist was just doing her job. Unfortunately, this time, the woman she was blocking was Anya, the woman Aiden was looking for. Plus, the receptionist was rude to her.

Harris could only shake his head. It seemed the boss was completely in love.