The dream

"That's the woman in the news, right?" One of the shop clerks whispered.

"She took someone else's fiancé? Is that true…?"

The two female employees were talking about Anya while looking at her with cynical and contemptuous eyes.

"Why did she come here? Don't tell me she wants to work here!" Said one of them while showing a look of disgust.

"Why is she working here again? After all, she already has a rich man." Her colleague replied sarcastically. Then, they continued talking about Anya while giggling.

The two women were not so far from Anya that Anya could hear all their words. Either they were not aware or they just didn't care and on purpose so that Anya could hear their sarcasm.

Even though she didn't do anything wrong, shame and hurt still arose in Anya's heart. She didn't know why everyone treated her this way. She felt like she was stripped naked in public and surrounded by all those people who insulted her badly for a wrong she didn't do.

But she must not back down. Her dream was right before her eyes. She couldn't give up.

Anya gritted her teeth and took a deep breath, forcing herself to remain calm. She clenched her fists and strengthened her determination to achieve what she wanted. To hell with everyone's talking!

At that time, a man suddenly came over to her, "Are you Anya?" He asked. From the badge on his shirt, Anya realized that this man was the manager of this shop.

"Yes, my name is Anya. Someone called me yesterday, asking me to come for an interview to be a perfumer assistant." Anya said politely.

The man stretched out his hand and Anya immediately shook her hand," I'm Ben, the manager of this shop. Come with me!" Said the man coldly. Ben's cold attitude was not like the attitude of other people who belittle Anya's status. It seemed that man had a cold nature to everyone.

They both walked to the top floor of the shop, where the perfumes sold in the window were mixed. While walking, Ben explained about her duties as a perfumer assistant at the place.

"Our shop assistants are responsible for helping perfumers create a new perfume or make perfumes with recipes from perfumers. The assistant will also handle the raw materials from the beginning of making perfume. As an assistant, you have to be able to help the shop when the perfumer is away for work or is taking time off."

Anya listened to Ben's explanation carefully so as not to miss an explanation of her future assignments.

She felt very happy with her job responsibilities. She could get the opportunity to directly assist perfumers in making perfume. She could also study the various raw materials that would be used to make perfume. This was just the experience she needed!

Apart from that, she would also help the shop to deal with customers when needed. With that, she could find out the needs and tastes of customers.

"I can do it!" Anya said. She was ready to do whatever was told.

The man nodded with satisfaction, "From your resume, I can see that you are majoring in chemical engineering. Do you really want to become a perfumer?"

"Yes. My family has a flower garden. Since childhood I have always dealt with plants and I am very sensitive to smells. My goal is to become a perfumer." Anya replied excitedly.

"Hmm ... Besides, what other skills do you have to help our shop?" Asked Ben to Anya. He asked typical questions that would come up in a job interview.

"I also took business classes to improve my ability to communicate with customers. I am fluent in English and currently I'm studying French." Anya answered. She showed her skills in a very simple and humble manner.

Ben was very impressed with Anya's abilities. He already knew the various rumors that were circulating about Anya, but he didn't just believe it. By seeing her face to face like this, he could judge for himself.

Anya was not only beautiful. She also had a good character. The way she talked was fun, it made the listeners didn't get bored. She also had many skills.

No wonder Aiden Atmajaya was attracted to this woman.

"Do you understand spices? Can you tell the difference?" A woman's voice suddenly cut their conversation. She walked out of the shopkeeper's office with an elegant stride. Her clothes seemed luxurious, making her graceful stature even more charming.

Imel Tahir…

Anya was surprised when she saw that woman. She came for an interview at Rose Scent. How could she suddenly run into the head of the manufacturer and also the boss of Amore? Weren't these two companies competing with each other?

While Anya was still deep in thought, another woman appeared behind her. The woman was tall. Her eyes looked very beautiful and wise. That beauty couldn't be hidden even though her eyes were framed by golden colored glasses. The woman looked young, about 30 years old. Her expensive clothes were covered by a white laboratory robe.

"Sister Imel, do you want to replace me to interview this assistant candidate?" Said the woman.

Imel watched Anya for a moment before saying with a smile, "Esther, I think this girl has potential and room to develop. If you don't want to give her a job, she can work for me. I happen to be in need of an assistant."

Anya's face paled a little when she heard this. A slightly reluctant look emanated from her face but she immediately hid it. She didn't want to be Imel Tahir's assistant.

"Sister Imel, you said you came to visit me. Why do you even want to take my assistant?" Esther immediately interrupted Imel, leaving no room for the woman to negotiate. Her forehead frowned slightly at Imel's words.

Anya secretly let out a sigh of relief. If Rose Scent didn't accept her, she'd better find another company than work for Amore. She really didn't want to work at Amore.

"Take it easy. I'm just kidding." Imel replied with a chuckle. After that, she immediately said goodbye to Esther, "It looks like you're busy. If that's the case, I'll be leaving first."

She turned around while waving her hand.

When passing Anya, Imel seemed to observe her carefully as if she was assessing her. Anya could only lower her head and didn't look at Imel at all.

"Ms. Esther, this is Anya who is applying to become a perfumer assistant. She is currently majoring in chemical engineering and is also taking business classes. She is fluent in English and can communicate in French." As soon as Imel left and was out of sight, Ben immediately introduced Anya to Esther and briefly explained her profile.

"Hmm ..." Esther looked at Anya from toe to head, "Come with me!" Esther immediately turned around without waiting for Anya's answer and walked towards her office.

Anya was stunned for a moment. Where would Esther take her?

When he saw Anya's hesitant gaze, Ben immediately told her to follow Esther, "Follow her orders. She is the boss as well as the head of the manufacturer of this company."

Anya nodded at Ben and thanked him for explaining everything to her. She followed Esther and entered her office room afterward.


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