A New Feeling

"Rival? He doesn't deserve to be called my rival. You ask yourself the reason!" Aiden calmly said.

Nico glanced at Raka when Aiden said that. He saw Raka's face become gloomy and a little paler. Raka was silent, his mouth was tightly closed. He said nothing to argue with it or defend himself. That meant, Raka really knew what made him unable to match Aiden, so he could only stay silent.

Nico felt a little sorry for Raka. The man had no other choice but to forget about Anya as now the woman he loved had become someone else's wife. He could only swallow this broken heart until the wound healed again one day.

"Uncle, Raka did not intend to do anything to disturb the relationship between you two. He was only worried about Auntie because they had known each other since they were children. I'll talk to him not to interfere in your married life." Nico tried to mediate between them both. He tried to calm his uncle and also tried to protect his best friend.