Ferris Wheel

"By the way, you said earlier that my other uncle also knows Anya? How can Uncle Ivan know Anya too? " Nico asked curiously.

He did not understand why Anya, Raka and Ivan knew each other. Was the world so cramped already that everyone knew each other?

"We were neighbors. It's been a long time since I met Ivan." Said Raka in a low voice.

"Much has changed. Now he is my uncle, Ivan Atmajaya, not Ivan Tahir anymore." Said Nico. His gaze looked dreamy when he said it.

"Aunt Imel is very clever and smart so Ivan has a good life. Meanwhile, Aunt Diana was a tough person. Plus, her health was not good. In the end, Anya has to suffer like this." Raka said, a little sluggish.

Nico could only roll his eyes when he heard that. He didn't know how Anya's previous life was, but her current position was clearly higher than his position as the young master of the Atmajaya Family. Nico could only feel annoyed, like a child who'd had his toy taken by someone else.