How It Feels To Be Loved

Their lips parted. Anya buried her face in Aiden's body, embarrassed by their second kiss. She could hear Aiden's heart racing. It looked like she was not the only one who was nervous. It turned out that Aiden also felt the same way as her.

"Did I ever say that you are the type of man I want?" Anya suddenly asked.

Aiden raised an eyebrow, "What type of man am I?"

"You are very smart. You can see Natali's evil plan easily, unlike me, a fool. You look cold and hard, but your heart is actually very warm and soft. When I'm with you, I feel safe. You can always protect me from anything." Anya replied as she leaned her body on Aiden and closed her eyes.

After that, she lifted her head and looked at Aiden, "I will try to remember my lost memories. I want to know our past."