
Anya had really never seen Esther's perfume formula. She didn't even know the ins and outs of Esther's office. Such an important object could not possibly be placed carelessly. How could Anya steal it?

"You two come with me." Esther said to Anya and Ben before going upstairs. Anya immediately followed Esther to her office, followed by Ben behind her.

As soon as he entered the office, Ben immediately took Anya's bag, "Anya, quickly hand over the recipe. Otherwise the problem won't be solved."

Anya saw Ben insisted on searching her so she finally gave up, "I'm not afraid of your accusations because I really don't take them. Please just search. I didn't do anything wrong."

Anya let Ben search her bag because now there were only three of them in the place. Downstairs, there were other employees so Anya refused to be publicly humiliated.

Anya was sure Esther could solve this problem fairly.