History of Romance

After hearing the sound of the door closing and confirming that Anya was out, Aiden continued his conversation with Harrism "It was impossible for Anya to do it. She was too innocent to plan all this. Check out Esther and the store manager. Then find out if all of this has anything to do with Imel."

Aiden had the feeling Imel was involved in this as well. The woman was always shadowing him and trying to knock him down at any cost. And right now, it looked like Imel wanted to use Anya to take down Aiden.

"Everything is under investigation and the results will be out soon." Harris said. The purpose he actually called Aiden was not to inform about the investigation because the results were not yet available. At this time, there was another news that was even more urgent, "I want to tell you something else, sir. Esther's perfume recipe is out on the internet."