Seducing Men

"Honey, what's up? Do you miss me? I'm not done with work yet." Nico's voice teased Tara from across the phone.

Tara could only snort at Nico's greeting. Honey? Maybe Nicko called all women in with the same word.

Tara ignored Nico's greeting and immediately asked the gist of the problem. She turned on the speaker of her cellphone so that Anya could also hear what Nico was saying. When Anya heard Nico's voice, she silenced her mouth. She didn't dare to say anything else, afraid that her nephew would find out where she was.

"Nico, I want to ask you something." Tara said.

"I really like you. Really!" Nico said without warning.

Tara rolled her eyes, "I didn't ask that."

"Then what do you want to ask? Just ask!" Nico said with a chuckle. He liked teasing Tara. Tara's reaction was unlike most other women.

"My friend is fighting with her boyfriend. Can you suggest some advice?" Tara asked.