Bringing Your Wife

Anya was truly sorry!

Yesterday she had banged her head against the table so hard that maybe she'd become a fool!

"Aiden, I won't talk about the past anymore. I am wrong. Can you forgive me?" She asked pitifully.

She squatted beside Aiden, resting her head on her husband's thigh and her hand holding the hem of Aiden's shirt, "I am truly guilty." She said regretfully.

Aiden looked down at his spoiled wife's appearance. Anya looked like a spoiled little cat, rubbing her head at her master as if she was looking for attention.

A smile appeared on Aiden's lips briefly, so briefly that Anya didn't even notice.

"Aiden, I know I shouldn't talk about the past. I should have talked about the future and built new memories together with you. I'll be careful next time. I'm sorry this time, okay?" Anya's eyes turned red and her lips pursed a little. She looked like she was going to cry.