Just Seeing What She Wants

"Aiden, if you don't want a divorce, hurry up and have kids. With that, your wife will be useful." Bima said sarcastically as if Anya had no other use than helping Aiden to get offspring.

Anya's ears were buzzing when she heard that question. She didn't know how the topic of their conversation had suddenly shifted to her.

Having kids? She was very young herself!

She hadn't even graduated from college yet.

"Father, Anya and Aiden just got married. Don't rush into telling them to have children. Let them enjoy their world first." Maria suggested.

"Grandpa, do you want grandchildren? Here is one of your grandchildren here. Hug me!" Nico ran towards Bima spoiled and pretended to ask for a hug.

Bima immediately laughed loudly seeing the behavior of his favorite grandson, "Nico is indeed my smartest grandson since childhood."