
"You used my birthday as your bank password? Aren't you afraid I'll spend all your money?" Anya asked half jokingly.

Aiden's lips brushed Anya's cheek and whispered in her ear, "I made money for you."

Anya felt her face hot because of Aiden. She crouched, trying to get away from Aiden. However, Aiden was getting closer and closer to her, "Anya, don't you want to help me? My eyes feel uncomfortable."

"Ah?" Anya couldn't answer for a moment.

Aiden took the opportunity to hold Anya's chin. He lowered his head and kissed Anya's red lips.

The kiss was deep and filled with passion. Anya's hand rose to Aiden's chest, wanting to push Aiden away from her. But somehow, her whole body felt limp so she could only accept the kiss surrenderly.

She didn't know what happened to her. Why couldn't she refuse Aiden's kiss?

The longer the kiss, the more Anya felt her body melted so that she couldn't do anything about it.