"Where are you going?"

During these last few days, Anya had missed Aiden so much. She hoped Aiden would come home sooner, but she was also afraid to interfere with the man's work.

These past few days, she had always been careful not to have any trouble that could ruin their relationship.

She realized that she loved Aiden and thought that Aiden also had the same feelings as her.

They loved each other…

However, reality was not like that. Aiden married her because he wanted something from her. He wanted her mother's garden.

All of his tenderness, his warmth, his care, his love… 

These were all lies…

A mere pretense…

Anya's heart ached. Her tears made her vision blurry. She couldn't hold the anger in her chest. "Aiden, why have you lied to me all this time? I want a divorce from you!"

Aiden came home early because he also missed Anya. Though he was taking care of an important matter, his heart couldn't be separated from Anya.