Increasingly Complicated Misconceptions

"When you married Aiden, didn't you know anything about the Atmajaya Family?" Tara asked curiously.

Anya was silent when she heard that question. Aiden knew everything about her, but what did she know about Aiden?

"When we got married, he knew everything about me. I was only able to learn about him after the wedding and I don't know much about his family." Anya answered.

"I know you didn't marry Aiden out of your own will. But how can you want to marry a man like Aiden? That guy was cold and scary. Every time I took care of him, I was afraid he would throw me out of the window because of his bad temper. All men are jerks!"

Tara did agree to meet Anya. But whether Anya wanted to forgive Aiden or not was not her decision to make.

"Let's just toast and drink," Tara raised her glass and toast it to Anya's glass. Anya immediately drank her glass and finished it all at once.