White Paper

"The call from the hospital is also important to you. Raka's birthday is also important to you. It seems like all those people and things are much more important than me. Anya, aren't you a hypocrite? You blame me because I prevented you from saying happy birthday to Raka, right?" Aiden said coldly.

Anya frowned. "My mother is still in a coma. I'm worried about missing an important call from the hospital. Is it wrong? And I just think of Raka as a friend. I've forgotten my past."

"Raka is not your friend. He is your ex-lover!" Aiden reminded her in a cold voice.

"I already have you. And Raka is engaged too," Anya said helplessly.

"But Raka hasn't forgotten you. That is the biggest problem." It was true that Anya had forgotten about Raka and was slowly falling in love with Aiden. But what Aiden actually couldn't believe was Raka.