Her Lost Daughter

"Are you chatting with Aiden? How intriguing," Keara said with a laugh.

"Hmm… Aiden is busy and actually wants to go home immediately after the event is over. But he agreed to stay here," Anya said with a smile.

Hearing Anya was going to stay, Maria immediately looked happy. "I just learned some new recipes. I will cook it for you tomorrow,"

"Sister Maria is very good. Tomorrow's breakfast will definitely be very good," Keara praised.

"Keara, how are you after all this time? Are you in great pain?" Maria looked at Keara worriedly.

"When I woke up in the hospital, I lost my memory and did not know who I was. I was very panicked and scared. The doctor said that I had a concussion and amnesia. At that moment, I just realized that I was becoming very sensitive to smells. After getting out of the hospital, the person who saved me introduced me to the perfumery world and made me an assistant." Keara said with a smile as she remembered it.