Flaunting Intimacy

"Are you looking for me?" Aiden asked softly.

"Ah? I'm looking for Mrs. Esther and want to talk about my perfume formula," Anya immediately dodged it.

"You're headed to the same place as me, why not have dinner with me as well?" Aiden asked.

"No, just continue your business. It's not good if I bother you..."

"I'm waiting for you. Do you dare to come?" Aiden saw Keara approaching him. He immediately hung up on the phone.

Anya looked at the disconnected call with a confused face.

Aiden and Keara were having dinner. But why did Aiden want her to come there?

Did Aiden want to show his affection with Keara in front of her face?

They were going on a date. Did he want to see Anya hurt?

Aiden was really heartless. He still dared to challenge her to come!

It seemed that she had no other choice. She really had to get in their way.