DNA test 

Galih was still immersed in his past memories with Diana, when suddenly his assistant knocked on the door and entered. "Sir, Miss Keara wants a perfume room."

"Just give it. As long as she stays at home, give her whatever she wants," Galih said.

"This afternoon, your wife invited Miss Lisa to have tea with Mrs. Maria from the Atmajaya Family. Miss Keara also wants to come," the assistant added.

Galih's face looked a little cooler. "No, Lisa will go to the matchmaking, why would Keara come along?"

The assistant was a little surprised to hear that. "Who will be arranged with Miss Lisa? Mr Nico?"

Galih nodded and then continued with a serious look, "I want you to investigate something for me. I want to know Anya Tedjasukmana's background, from before she was born,"

"Sir, do you think that Miss Anya..."