Want to Get Married!

"Remember, Keara does not come as the daughter of the Pratama Family tonight, but Ivan's fiancée. You have to call her sister-in-law," Aiden said.

"Didn't Keara want to cancel the engagement?" Anya asked curiously.

"Have you heard she announced an official annulment of her engagement?" Aiden did not answer Anya's question.

"Not yet. But didn't she really intend to cancel it…"

"Keara had an affair with me. If it was Ivan who intended to cancel their engagement, the relationship between the Atmajaya Family and the Pratama Family would not be affected. But Ivan needed help and support from the Pratama Family. He will still marry Keara, whether he likes it or not," Aiden said, looking at Anya. "So, it's very likely that Keara will cause trouble and maybe put the responsibility for canceling the engagement on you,"