The Label 

"Look, Imel's glass is still empty," Maria said with a chuckle.

Upon hearing this, Anya immediately looked in front of her and found Imel's glass still empty.

Nico said he would pour wine in his grandfather's and Ivan's glass. But apparently, he didn't want to pour wine in Imel's glass.

And since Imel switched places all the way to the end, Bima probably didn't know what happened. Or maybe Bima knew but didn't say anything on purpose?

"Anya, raise your glass," Aiden took Anya's hand to her glass and made Anya wake up from her reverie.

There were seven people on the dining table. But only six members of the Atmajaya Family toasted each other and drank their wine happily.

Imel was so angry that her teeth hurt because she gritted her glass too much. She did not raise her glass. Wasn't anyone aware of it?

No one poured wine into her glass, no one cared whether she raised her glass or not. Bima didn't even look at her.