Has No Evidence

"Mother, did Anya come to visit you today?" Natali asked frantically.

However, Mona wasn't worried at all. Instead she calmly said, "She came here earlier. But I'm not as stupid as your father. I won't let her record me. She didn't carry a bag. She did not wear accessories on her hands or neck, had no buttons on her clothes and did not wear earrings. I also told her to turn off her cellphone in front of me to make sure that she didn't record me," Mona said. She felt like the smartest woman in the place.

Natali breathed a sigh of relief after hearing her mother's words. "Luckily, you are very smart. Dad was too stupid so their conversation was recorded. Now we can deny it because Anya doesn't have any proof,"

"Don't panic. You will be engaged to Raka. I won't let anything happen. Anya just wanted to drag me into this scandal so that her name would be clean again," Mona snorted sarcastically.