Tasting Your Own Evil

"Sir, Yura refuses to open her mouth. What should I do?" Harris asked.

Aiden didn't answer. He immediately kicked the door of a room in the basement, almost knocking down its frame too.

Yura was immediately surprised to hear that voice. Her eyes looked towards Aiden who was standing at the door.

The man's figure was like an extremely terrifying demon.

It seemed, the person standing in front of her was not a human, but a messenger from hell.

"You... Don't come here!" Yura was so scared that she kept retreating in panic.

When she was caught earlier, she didn't know what happened and who caught her. Now, she understood everything after seeing Aiden's face.

She wanted to hide, but Aiden's bodyguard grabbed her and threw her like a pile of trash. Her body rolled and stopped right at Aiden's feet.

Aiden lifted one of his legs. His shiny black shoes stomped on Yura's hand mercilessly. The strength in his leg increased even more.