A Thousand and One Ways

At Tara's order, Aiden carried Anya and took her to the big sofa in the room.

His eyes were fixed on his wife's face, watching every expression she made. "Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere? Do you want me to take you to the hospital?" He asked softly.

"No need. Tara's here. She said I will recover after resting," Anya replied, burying her head in Aiden's arms.

Tara laughed and joked, "I'm much more reliable than other doctors. Trust me,"

"Sorry I have to trouble you. The party downstairs isn't over yet. Please accompany Anya for a while," Aiden rarely spoke politely and softly. But today, he apologized and asked Tara for help for Anya.

Tara couldn't believe her ears. She felt quite touched.

Aiden apologized for bothering her and asked for her help to accompany Anya.

Even if Aiden didn't tell her that, Tara was also willing to accompany Anya because Anya was her best friend.