One Room

"You took the initiative to make love to Aiden last night. How does it feel to make love under the influence of alcohol? Does it feel more exciting?" Tara asked shamelessly.

"Why do you ask so many things? Are you looking for a boyfriend?" Anya teased, trying to cover up her embarrassment.

Even though she had been teased like that, Tara was not ashamed at all. "I'm curious because I've never tried it. How does it feel?"

"Tara, it looks like you really need a boyfriend!" Anya bursted out laughing seeing her best friend.

"Who needs a boyfriend?" At that moment, Nico's voice came from the door.

Tara looked back and saw the door to her room was open. After that, she glared at Anya because when they entered the room, Anya was the last one. "Why don't you close the door?"

"I've closed and locked it!" Anya also looked confused.

Nico waved the card-shaped key in his hand. "I opened the door myself,"