His wife's health

Aiden patted Anya's back gently and helped to hold her hair. "If it's not good, it's better not to drink it,"

"I want to have children with you soon. The longer I stay in contact with my work, the harder it will be to get pregnant. I am afraid that I will be like my mother, not being able to have children when I want to," Anya kept throwing up. Her body immediately went limp and her eyes watered.

"We are still young. We can still have children without rushing," said Aiden.

When Anya was vomiting, Nico immediately called Tara and told her, "Tara, what potion did you make for my aunt? Auntie just tasted a little but she immediately threw up all her dinner,"

"I didn't put in any weird ingredients. It was the same potion she normally drank. How can she throw up? Is she…"

"Pregnant?" Nico's reaction was very fast. He immediately guessed it.